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Optimum Utilization of Hybrid Energy Systems for SCOE Building

Author : Building Pranali S. Thakare and A.B. Kanase-Patil

Pages : 86-90, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.16
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Over the decades the consumption of conventional energy sources has grown leaps and bounds to cater the increasing energy demand better the living standards of the society. The increased consumption has at risk the limited reserves of the conventional energy sources raising the interest to look for an alternative resource for sustainable development. The increasing demand and need for a greener technology led to the development of energy used from renewable energy sources. The present work will be carried out to optimize the utilization of renewable energy at Sinhgad college of Engineering, Pune. The new extensively emerging solar/PV, wind energy being used with emphasis on biomass/biogas. Considering the limitations of this off-grid supply, a hybrid system being designed for optimum and effective utilization using Hybrid Optimization Model for Electrical Renewable (HOMER), the micro power optimization model simplifying the task of evaluating design of both off-grid and grid connected power systems making the overall system easier. MATLAB code will be developed and used for comparative analysis with HOMER. The optimized solution is recommended for the campus which serves the purpose of Green Campus initiative.

Keywords: Optimization, HOMER, Hybrid energy system, MATLAB.


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