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Optimizing the Localization of Distributed PV Products in the Distribution Network with regard to Uncertainty of Sun Radiation

Author : Reza Tajik

Pages : 565-573, DOI:
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Since the widespread and complexity of traditional networks, this paper is attempted to reduce the uncertainty in sun radiation by appropriate and optimal location of distributed PV products, and the efficiency of electrical energy is increased. So, this work in term of type of method is an applied one in which fundamental research results are used to improve and perfect the patterns and methods. The data collection tool in this paper is done in a library method. Therefore, the information from books, dissertations, articles, previous practical databases and IEEE’s library distribution network model has been extracted to complete the evaluation of the theoretical framework of the study. Also, optimization was performed with the aid of MATLAB software to increase the efficiency of solar cell production power in the output. By doing so, the best place for solar panels is achieved due to the uncertainty of sun radiation and finally, the power output using panels can be analyzed. In addition, it was found that the current and as a result, the power generated by a PV unit is depended on radiation and its intensity. After that, through comparing different points in power generation, a relative coefficient is obtained for placement of PV unit.

Keywords: localization, distributed PV products, sun radiation

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.3 (May/June 2018)

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