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Optimization of Structures using Different Structural System

Author : Shreyans Rathod, Israr Khan and Keshav Sangle

Pages : 1605-1608
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It is fairly accepted fact that one of the most important human activities is decision making. Like every filed even in construction industry decision making is important especially in high-rise construction. Construction of a high rise structure is a complicated affair with lateral loads playing a dominant role in design of structure it requires need of lateral load resisting system. With evolution in technology various load resisting systems arrived from normal load bearing structures to moment resisting frames to bracing to shear wall to some more modern structures like core out-trigger and tube in tube. Each have their own pros and cons. In the following study a G+50 storey structure has been analyzed using the tube in tube, shear wall and core out-trigger system in ETABS V9.7.4 software and an attempt is made to compare the performance of the three systems on basis of storey shear, storey displacement, time period and storey drift and cost and results are compared to arrive at the most optimum of the three systems for the given particular plan.

Keywords: Shear wall, Core Out-trigger, tube in tube, ETABs, Optimization.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.5 (Oct-2016)

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