Optimization Methods of Multimodal Travel Chains
Pages : 63-64
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The current scenario of mobility demands new and creative directions of transportation research, as it results in the economic development of a country. It shows pathway for increased passenger transportation. The journey time of passenger should be decreased and the quality of journey should be increased and the process of transportation should be optimized. In order to achieve the goals, an integrated approach need to be done as part of research. The Intelligent Transportation System gives invention in process of transport, which leads to the quality in transportation system. To help that step –by – step process is realized in those areas where it can function effectively. A detailed information services of transportation system need to be evaluated. With the help of evaluation the preference of passenger can be known. In order to satisfy the requirements of passenger, the optimization method can give information on how to plan a journey in the best way. With the development of optimization methods the service quality can be increased. Especially in urban areas where the increasing population is increased and therefore the more usage of transportation tends to create problem.
Keywords: The Optimization method, Activity Chain, Mass transport System.