Article Published In Vol.3, No.3(Sept-2013)

  • Negative Effects of Heavy Metals in Medicinal Plants
  • Author  :  Adem Dreshaj, Hidajete Nikqi , Hysen Muzlijaj, F. Fekaj and I. Beqiraj
  • Pages   :  60-63
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  • Abstract

The use of medicinal plants and their extracts, deserve a separate analysis, due to the significant impact they have human. To ensure that they are not contaminated with toxic metals during the growth and processing of medicinal plants. The aim of this study was to achieve a high degree of quantitative toxic elements (Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, As) in medicinal plants such as nettle. In the popular tradition known as the Queen of medicinal plants which are often used in green salads or cooked form. To define elements using ICP-MS method. The content of heavy metals in medicinal healing plants is dried and turned into powder form, was in order: Zn> Mn> Cu> Cr> Pb> Hg> Pb. Analytical results show that the herbal medicinal products show a heavy metal transfer from plants to humans. Monitoring the content of mineral elements in medicinal plants and their extracts is of particular importance for health. It is important, because some heavy metals in large quantities in the body, the use of medicinal herbs, can have a toxic effect, the population is very damaging and long-term adverse effects

Keywords: Heavy metals, Medicinal plants, Nettle

Article published in International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept- 2013)




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