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Morphometric Properties of Bulkana (NaftKhanah) North-East Iraq from Topographic Maps

Author : Mostfa A. Hassan, Ahmed A. Selman and Ammar A. Ghani

Pages : 45-51
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This paper aims to present a study of the morphometric properties of Bulkana area located at the Iran-Iraq border east of Diyala province of Iraq. The study covered an area of 1072 km2 composed of sediments formed from modern and quaternary glacial ages. Topographic map used to find morphometric parameters in catchment area of Bulkana was with scale 1:100000. The results showed that this area has a circular basin with circularity 0.87. Drainage density was low according to Strahler classification, and morphometric elongation ratio 0.89 and form factor 0.5. We presented five stream orders, namely 6713 as 1st, 2481 as 2nd, 867 as 3rd, 446 as 4th, and 292 as 5th. Calculated stream density was 1.7, stream frequency was 10.06, bifurcation ratio was 2.7, the relief was 3.6, and hypsometric integral was 2.3. Results also indicated that first order streams are localized in low zone while other order decreases whenever we move to the north and east of the highest zone. This was attributed to the slop which gave raining water a big amount of energy. The direction of stream order was agreeable with the slop of surface and break rock, indicating that catchment area complies with topographic surface.

Keywords: Morphometric Properties, Stream Order, Topographic Maps, Remote Sensing, Bulkana Area-Iraq.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.1 (Feb- 2014)





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