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Microaneurysms Detection using Neural Networks

Author : Mohak Chavan and Dr. A. R. Buchade

Pages : 1158-1161
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Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye abnormality and it is one of the main causes for the occurrence of eye blindness at an early age. The Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is caused due to the disease named Microaneurysms, which damages the retinal blood vessels of an eye. This damage turned into leakage ultimately results into blindness of a person’s eye. For detection of this abnormality, the images of the fundus from an eye are extracted and are passed for further classification steps. A machine learning technique, specifically Neural Networks, can be used to detect this leakage from the retinal blood vessels. The images used for the purpose of classification can also be pre-processed before applying the classification techniques. This preprocessing step helps in improving the efficiency and also increasing the accuracy of the model. These preprocessed images can be used for the purpose of classifying the presence of disease in the eye or not. The detection of Diabetic Retinopathy at an early age helps in reducing the damage occurring to an eye and also preventing the patient from going blind.

Keywords: Neural networks; detect eye disease; diabetic retinopathy; microaneurysms; machine learning;

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