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Load Balancing Dynamically in Distributed and Parallel Computing System with Process Execution Time

Author : Nitin R. Chopde

Pages : 81-84
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To improve distributed and parallel system performance the load balancing techniques are extensively using that is a process of redistribution of work load among multiple servers in distributed computer systems. In recent research and literature, various approaches, methods and techniques have been proposed to achieve this task. There is an increasing trend towards the use of parallel and distributed systems because of outstanding progress in computer technology and an ever-rising demand for high-speed processing able to support the distributed mode. One of the important instant of any system using parallel computing is the load balancing in which the balance of workload among the system’s entire server is designed. In this proposed algorithm, trying to implement a new load balancing algorithm which has new parameter consideration and basis of that centralized nodes(server) balancing workload when it get overloaded will be implement.

Keywords: Centralized server, Overloaded, task

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.1 (Feb-2015)


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