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Isolation and Characterization of Bacterial Diversity from Wheat Rhizosphere

Author : Mahesh Kumar, Ridam and Sarla Rani

Pages : 1-3
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Rhizosphere is considered to be an important spot where microbes have an interaction with plant roots. The soil sample from wheat rhizosphere is taken for microbial isolation and isolated microbes were studied on basis of their morphology and biochemistry. All of the isolated strains were examined morphologically and showed variable parameters viz. colony colour, colony shape etc. the bacterial strains showed varied morphology as circular, Punctiform, undulate and irregular colonies. The bacterial stains A, B, C, D, E & F showed positive Citrate test and Catalase test was positive for the bacterial stains A, D, E, I, L and N. Some strains B, C, M & J showed plant growth promoting activity too.

Key words: Rhizosphere, Micro-organisms, PGPRs.

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