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Investigations on the Effect of Sudden Cooling on the Properties of Fly Ash Concrete subjected to Sustained Elevated Temperatures

Author : Shweta Patil and K. B. Prakash

Pages : 3883-3885
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Utilization of industrial solid wastes in concrete would help environmental abatement, in solving solid waste disposal problems. Fly ash is the waste from the coal industries and poses serious problems of disposing. This present study focuses on the utilisation of Fly ash as a replacement to cement. In the present investigation the study of effect of elevated temperatures with sudden cooling on the properties of fly ash is dealt .The cement is replaced by flyash in proportions of 5% ,10%,15%,20%,25%,30% and concrete is exposed to elevated temperatures of 200°C, 400°C, 600°C , 800°C and 1000oC followed by sudden cooling. The various strength parameters studied are compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength as per the relevant IS standards.. The experimental results indicate significant improvement in strength properties of plane concrete with replacement of cement by fly ash when it is subjected to elevated temperature with sudden cooling. Therefore it is feasible to adopt fly ash as a partial replacement of cement when it is exposed to elevated temperature with sudden cooling and can be effectively used for structural concrete.

Keywords: Experimental investigation, Fly ash, replacement, strength, sustained elevated temperature, sudden cooling.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.6 (Dec-2014)


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