Internet of Things for Smart StoreKeeper
Pages : 2082-2085
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The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be able to incorporate-rate transparently and seamlessly a large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to selected subsets of data for the development of a plethora of digital services. Building a general architecture for the IoT is hence a very complex task, mainly because of the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system .As a working woman or working professionals its challenging to keep track of each and every items whether it’s there in stock or not. In this paper, I focus specifically to an IoT which handles store keeping task in a smart way. This smart StoreKeeper IoT in fact is designed for helping working professionals to handle household things in an effective way.
Keywords: Sensor system integration, service functions and management, Smart Storekeeper, Wifi , MQTT , cloud, Raspberry Pi.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.6 (Dec-2016)