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International and National Certification Systems: A Comparative Stu

Author : Anilkumar E. N. and Vishnu C. R.

Pages : 12-16
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In recent years, the face of many professions has changed dramatically. Globalization, altered demographics and the explosion of innovations in information technology have created new opportunities and challenges, even new occupations have arisen to meet the demand. Nowadays, both, public and the private sectors are seeking proof of competence through the certification of new and existing professions. Before licensing a person to practice a profession, requirements for that license should be established. These requirements typically include educational prerequisites and assessments of the knowledge and skill expected of a beginning professional. Then, if a candidate satisfies the educational prerequisites and demonstrates adequate knowledge and skill through tests and performance assessments, an authorized body grants the candidate a license. This paper attempts to compare the existing system of accreditation and certification systems that are available in the national/international level. Thus providing a road map to develop a certification system for engineering faculties in India, where the authors is currently working on.

Keywords: Benchmarking, Teacher certification, personnel certification



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