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Implementing and Experiencing Quality of Mobile Node in Network

Author : Rohini H.Meshram and Amit R.Welekar

Pages : 1709-1711
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In our paper how we achieve a mobile coverage at any time even if the cellular coverage is not present. In this project we are studying the coverage capacity provided by different network service providers (NSP) and then will implement such a system, which will increase the coverage capability for our mobile node. So, our proposed system will provide the coverage to mobile nodes where, the service provider of that network will fail to provide the service. In such cases we will use different frequency available in the spectrum for communication. Our proposed system will provide & increase the mobile coverage by borrowing the others network, which will available at that time. So the solution for it the mobile node will borrow the coverage from the other network if the network is not present at that same time. The propose system will work for improving the coverage capacity heterogeneous network for using different frequency available in the spectrum. In our propose system we implement such system in which we can communicate at any point even if the network is not available in particular node. So we implement such node they having same frequency and different frequency of network. And we implement the same frequency part of node means if the frequency is same then they can able to communicate with each other.

Keywords: MN (Mobile Node), NSP(Network Service Provider),BS(Base Station),CN(Communicating Node).

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.3 (June- 2014)



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