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Image Compression Algorithm using Predictive Coding based on Color Quantization for Android Mobile Devices

Author : Rupali Sachin Vairagade and Rekha Kulkarni

Pages : 2242-2249
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In Android devices, Memory management has become a major concern because it has significant impact on system performance and battery life. Also it is important to efficiently use and manage the internal and external memory space present inside the mobile operating system. So it is essential to make a facility that helps in reducing memory consumption. The proposed Classic Image Compression Algorithm compress the RGB color image using lossless Image Compression Algorithm with the help of predictive coding based on Color Quantization for Android Mobile Devices. Predictive coding is very effective for lossless image compression. Predictive coding estimates a pixel color value based on the adjacent pixels. To enhance the accuracy of the estimation, we propose a new and simple predictive coding that estimates the pixel color value based on the quantized pixel colors of three neighboring pixels. The objective of image compression is to reduce the redundancy of the image and to store or transmit data in an efficient form. Based on this it will reduce the image size while achieving the best image quality with less data loss. It will display on output screen MSE, PSNR, and compression ratio and compression time of compressed Image.

Keywords: Color Quantization, Predictive coding, Image Compression, Android devices, Memory Management, Image Representation, Segmentation.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.3 (June- 2014)



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