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High Performance Encryption Algorithm

Author : Mariam Raheem and Ivan A. Hashim

Pages : 2083-2089
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Cryptographic algorithms are utilized in various environments in which security is a key requirement. The widespread use of large data storage networks and information technology has led to an increase in demand of high speed, low power and low area consumption cryptographic systems. The established cryptographic systems which have existed for a long period of time are having a difficult time to come up with ever increasing performance requirements. In this work, a cipher generator for encryption algorithm is proposed based on different methods and techniques (Central spiral technique, outer spiral technique, transpose array method and exclusive –OR operation) to increase the strength of proposed algorithm system by making the cipher of encryption system more robust and more reliable. This system is able to encrypting any input data such as text message, image and audio. The simulation results show that the proposed encryption algorithm has best values in three tests(ARE, maximum deviation analysis and peak signal to noise ratio) comparing with the traditional schemes(Lorenz, Chua, Rössler and Nien) flow sequences when it has been implemented on 256*256 images, while getting very close results for other tests, and the proposed algorithm system has excellent results compared with the performance of the traditional encryption systems in which has passed most of the FIPS PUB 140-1 statistical tests successfully.

Keywords: Encryption, Decryption, Central spiral technique, Cryptanalysis

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)

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