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Heat Transfer Performance of a Vertical Thermosyphons Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger using Hybrid Nanofluid for Automobile Engine Exhaust Heat

Author : S. A. Shelke and N. S. Gohel

Pages : 91-94, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.17
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Waste heat is produced in a process by way of chemical reaction or fuel combustion, and then released into the atmosphere even it is possible that this waste heat can be recycled and reused for other economic and useful purpose. The heat recovering strategy depends on the temperature of the waste heat gases and the economics involved. Direct and indirect benefits are involved in heat recovery. Waste heat recovery has a directly has effect on the performance of the process and indirect benefits involve reduction in pollution, equipment size and auxiliary air consumption. This study concentrates on the recovery of waste exhaust heat from internal combustion engine with higher temperature. The objective of this work is to study thermosyphons heat pipe technology for the heating of fresh air by using recovered heat from engine exhaust and to develop a thermosyphons heat pipe heat exchanger experimental setup. The performance of heat pipe heat exchanger charged with (50% BN + 50% ZnO) /H20 nanofluid increases with increase in source temperature. Maximum effectiveness and heat gain at condenser section observed for proposed heat pipe heat exchanger is up to 0.18 and 1331.33W respectively.

Keywords: Automobile waste heat recovery, Thermosyphons, Heat Pipe heat exchanger, Thermal performance, Effectiveness.


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