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Heat Transfer Enhancement of Solar Flat Plate Collector by Using V Corrugated Fins and Various Parameters

Author : Manoj S. Chaudhari, Dattatraya. B. Nalawade, Mahesh Jagadale

Pages : 119-123, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.23
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Solar flat plate collector can be defined as typical metal box covered with a coated glass (known as glazing) on the top and dark colored absorber plate at the bottom. It has insulation on sides and bottom in order to minimize the heat loss. In this project work, initially an experimental set up is made for studying the flow through domestic solar flat plate collector and record experimental observations. After completion of experiment a 3D mathematical model with single and double glazed covers of Solar Flat plate collector (SFPC) is prepared and model is analyzed for CFD flow and heat transfer. Moreover, in this project use of vortex generators (V corrugation over absorber plate) and heat enhancement setups such as double glazing, optimum air gap, use of different gases(air, carbon dioxide and argon) are considered so as to increase the heat transfer rate between the interacting fluids. The basic geometrical dimensions for the 3D mathematical model is based on domestically available SFPC on which experiment was performed and CAD model is prepared using Ansys Design Modeler. The prepared model is simulated in ANSYS Fluent 14.5 considering radiation, natural convection and conduction all modes of heat transfer in boundary conditions. A parametric study is done so as to understand the effect of air gap thickness and use of different gases on the heat transfer rate. A comparative study is carried on between models having V corrugation and model having double glazing and another similar model but without fins and glazing , it was concluded that Heat transfer Enhancement occurs for models with double glazing and also with the use of v corrugation over absorber plates.

Keywords: Glazing, Temperature, Fin, ANSYS Design Modular, ANSYS Fluent , Heat Transfer Enhancement


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