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Most Cited articles

Comparative analysis of decision tree classification algorithms

A Priyam, GR Abhijeeta, A Rathee, S Srivastava
International Journal of current engineering and technology 3 (2), 334-337
341 2013
Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles by Calotropis gigantea

C Vidya, S Hiremath, MN Chandraprabha, MAL Antonyraj, IV Gopal, …
Int J Curr Eng Technol 1 (1), 118-120
201 2013
Dairy industry wastewater sources, characteristics & its effects on environment

BS Shete, NP Shinkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1611-1615
144 2013
Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater by chemically modified agricultural waste material as potential adsorbent-a review

J Acharya, U Kumar, PM Rafi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (3), 526-530
93 2018
Germination and growth characteristics of mungbean seeds (Vigna radiata L.) affected by synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles

N Jayarambabu, BS Kumari, KV Rao, YT Prabhu
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (5), 3411-3416
91 2014
Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles by using Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

RS Devi, R Gayathri
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (4), 2444-6
85 2014
Review on effect of silicon carbide (SiC) on stir cast aluminium metal matrix composites

PK Jayashree, MCG Shankar, A Kini, SS Sharma, R Shetty
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 1061-1071
84 2013
Effect of using marble powder in concrete mixes on the behavior and strength of RC slabs

NM Soliman
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1863-1870
75 2013
A review paper on oculus rift & project morpheus

I Goradia, J Doshi, L Kurup
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3196-3200
74 2014
Structural electrical and magnetic studies of Gd3+ doped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles

E Pervaiz, IH Gul
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 377-387
73 2012
Individual and combined effect of reinforcements on stir cast aluminium metal matrix composites-a review

G Shankar, PK Jayashree, R Shetty, A Kini, SS Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 922-934
71 2013
Comparison of jute and banana fiber composites: A review

S Pujari, A Ramakrishna, MS Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (2), 121-126
69 2014
Modeling and finite element analysis of spur gear

V Karaveer, A Mogrekar, TPR Joseph
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 2104-2107
68 2013
Supply chain management: Some issues and challenges-A Review

K Bala
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 946-953
65 2014
Factor effecting electro-deposition process

S Kumar, S Pande, P Verma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 700-703
64 2015
A framework for cyberbullying detection in social network

KB Kansara, NM Shekokar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 494-498
61 2015
Exploring fuzzy SAW method for maintenance strategy selection problem of material handling equipment

MK Sagar, P Jayaswal, K Kushwah
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 600-605
59 2013
Dynamic and kinematic models and control for differential drive mobile robots

FA Salem
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 253-263
57 2013
Thermal analysis of square and circular perforated fin arrays by forced convection

KH Dhanawade, VK Sunnapwar, HS Dhanawade
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 109-114
56 2014
Review and analysis of solar photovoltaic softwares

DK Sharma, V Verma, AP Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 725-731
54 2014
Application of nanotechnology in modern textiles: A review

A Asif, MZ Hasan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (2), 227-231
52 2018
Principles and application of evaporative cooling systems for fruits and vegetables preservation

JT Liberty, BO Ugwuishiwu, SA Pukuma, CE Odo
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 1000-1006
50 2013
Latest research and development on software testing techniques and tools

RK Chauhan, I Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2368-2372
47 2014
Determination of Efficient Twin Tower High Rise Building Subjected to Seismic Loading

S Chaurasiya, S Jamle
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (5), 1200-1203
46 2018
Effect of magnetic treatment on surface tension and water evaporation

HB Amor, A Elaoud, NB Salah, K Elmoueddeb
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 5 (3), 119-124
46 2017
Automated attendance monitoring system using android platform

AA Kumbhar, KS Wanjara, DH Trivedi, AU Khairatkar, D Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 1096-1099
46 2014
Study of different levels for sentiment analysis

S Kolkur, G Dantal, R Mahe
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 768-770
44 2015
Uses of bottom ash in the replacement of fine aggregate for making concrete

D Kumar, A Gupta, S Ram
International journal of current engineering and technology 4 (6), 3891-3895
42 2014
Parameter optimization of ABS-M30i parts produced by fused deposition modeling for minimum surface roughness

S Kumar, VN Kannan, G Sankaranarayanan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 93-97
42 2014
Uses of Bottom ash in the Replacement of fine aggregate for Making Concrete

SR D Kumar, A Gupta
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5)
42 2014
Geospatial analysis of land use land cover change modeling at Phewa Lake Watershed of Nepal by using Cellular Automata Markov Model

R Regmi, S Saha, M Balla
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Tech 4 (4), 2617-2627
39 2014
A comparative study of different static and dynamic load balancing algorithm in cloud computing with special emphasis on time factor

A Aditya, U Chatterjee, S Gupta
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1898-1907
38 2015
A review paper on Raspberry Pi

P Sachdeva, S Katchii
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 3818-3819
38 2014
Development, quality evaluation and shelf life studies of whey guava beverage

D Singh, R Singh, F Bhatt
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2171-2175
38 2014
Synthesis and characterization of aluminium 6061 alloy-flyash & zirconia metal matrix composite

S Malhotra, R Narayan, RD Gupta
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1716-1719
38 2013
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: a boon to agriculture

H Kaur, J Kaur, R Gera
Int J Cell Sci Biotechnol 5, 17-22
37 2016
Coagulation/flocculation process for produced water treatment

KM Mousa, HJ Hadi
International journal of current engineering and technology 6 (2), 551-555
37 2016
Physical and mechanical behavior of Al2O3 filled jute fiber reinforced epoxy composites

PTR Swain, S Biswas
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 67-71
37 2014
Capability of biolubricants as alternative lubricant in industrial and maintenance applications

AK Jaina, A Suhanea
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3 (1), 179-183
37 2013
Effect of cavitation on hydraulic turbines- A review

HS S. Khurana, Navtej
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
37* 2012
Impact of implementing Japanese 5S practices on total productive maintenance

R Sharma, J Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 818-825
36 2015
A review on different micromixers and its micromixing within microchannel

S Gambhire, N Patel, G Gambhire, S Kale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 409-413
35 2016
Design optimization of process parameters for TIG welding based on Taguchi method

N Choudhury, A Bandyopadhyay, R Rudrapati
International journal of current engineering and technology 2, 12-16
35 2014
The role of public spaces in promoting social interactions

VB Rad, I Ngah
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (1), 184-188
35* 2013
Tea wastes as a sorbent for removal of heavy metals from wastewater

M Nandal, R Hooda, G Dhania
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (1), 244-247
33 2014
Parametric optimization of abrasive waterjet machining for mild steel: Taguchi approach

MS Rao, S Ravinder, AS Kumar
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 2, 28-30
33 2014
Biomedical waste management practices in India-a review

AV Tiwari, PA Kadu
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3 (5), 2030-3
33 2013
Determination of solar cell diffusion capacitance and its dependence on temperature and 1 MeV electron fluence level

SK Sharma, D Pavithra, G Sivakumar, N Srinivasamurthy, BL Agrawal
Solar energy materials and solar cells 26 (3), 169-179
33 1992
Remote sensing & GIS based approaches for LULC change detection–a review

P Attri, S Chaudhry, S Sharma
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5, 3126-3137
32 2015
Comparative seismic analysis of multi storey building with and without floating column

AP Mundada, SG Sawdatkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3395-3400
32 2014
Applications of artificial neural networks in modeling compressive strength of concrete: a state of the art review

V Chandwani, V Agrawal, R Nagar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2949-2956
32 2014
Design and analysis of a process plant piping system

P Sharma, M Tiwari, K Sharma
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. ISSN, 2277-4106
32 2014
Seismic response evaluation of RC frame building with floating column considering different soil conditions

P Nautiyal, S Akhtar, G Batham
International Journal of current Engineering and technology 4 (1), 132-138
32 2014
Software testing automation using appium

G Shah, P Shah, R Muchhala
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3528-3531
32 2014
Search engine optimization (SEO): technical analysis concepts

A Kumar
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 3 (3 …
32 2013
Design for reliability with weibull analysis for photovoltaic modules

S Kumar, B Sarkar
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3 (1), 129-134
32 2013
Coastline extraction using satellite imagery and image processing techniques

AM Saeed, AM Fatima
Red 600, 720
31 2016
Seismic performance of multistorey building with soft storey at different level with RC shear wall

S Hirde, G Tepugade
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277, 4106
31 2014
Performance analysis of dispersion compensation using fiber bragg grating (FBG) in optical communication

K Kumar, AK Jaiswal, M Kumar, N Agrawal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1527-1531
31 2014
A survey on different feeding techniques of rectangular microstrip patch antenna

HK Varshney, M Kumar, AK Jaiswal, R Saxena, K Jaiswal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 418-423
31 2014
Performance analysis of skyhook, groundhook and hybrid control strategies on semiactive suspension system

A Mulla, S Jalwadi, D Unaune
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 265-269
31 2014
Polymer Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell: A Review

MP Shikha Bhatt, Bhupendra Gupta, V. K. Sethi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
31 2012
A review on the strengthening of nanostructured materials

L Tian, L Li
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (02)
30 2018
MRI brain tumor segmentation methods-a review

G Kaur, J Rani
Infinite Study
30 2016
Comparative extraction of castor seed oil using polar and non polar solvents

SR Dasari, VV Goud
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 1, 121-123
30 2013
An agriculture application research on cloud computing

K Chandraul, A Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 2084-2087
29 2013
The role of women entrepreneurship in modern world

SM Kumar, HC Mohan, C Vijaya, N Lokeshwari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 1 (Special Issue …
29 2013
An amend implementation on LEACH protocol based on energy hierarchy

KG Vijayvargiya, V Shrivastava
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (4), 427-431
29 2012
Numerical Analysis on Effects of Blade Number Variations on Performance of Centrifugal Pumps with Various Rotational Speeds

BR Sujoy Chakraborty , K.M. Pandey
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
29 2012
Review on enhancement of heat transfer by active method

M Jadhav, R Awari, D Bibe, A Bramhane, M Mokashi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6, 221-225
28 2016
Automatic dual Axis sun tracking system using LDR sensor

VSS Kumar, S Suryanarayana
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3214-3217
28 2014
Face detection system using HSV color model and morphing operations

VS Bhat, DJ Pujari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISSN, 2277-4106
27 2013
Solar Powered Wheel Chair: Mobility For Physically Challenged

RD Arun Manohar Gurram, P.S.V Ramana Rao
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
27 2012
Critical barriers and challenges in implementation of green construction in China

MS Hasan, R Zhang
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (2), 435-445
26 2016
Automated security system using surveillance

P Vigneswari, V Indhu, RR Narmatha, A Sathinisha, JM Subashini
International journal of current engineering and technology 5 (2), 882-884
26 2015
ERP implementation challenges & critical organizational success factors

R Vayyavur
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4), 2347-5161
26 2015
Automated testing of mobile applications using scripting technique: A study on appium

S Singh, R Gadgil, A Chudgor
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET) 4 (5 …
26 2014
Human bone strength evaluation through different mechanical tests

SN Khan, RM Warkhedkar, AK Shyam
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 539-543
26 2014
Anthropometric consideration for designing students desks in engineering colleges

SM Qutubuddin, SS Hebbal, CS Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1179-1185
26 2013
Security attacks and countermeasures for wireless sensor networks: Survey

QI Sarhana
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 628-635
26 2013
Synthesis, characterization and application of zero valent iron nanoparticles for the removal of toxic metal hexavalent chromium [Cr (VI)] from aqueous solution

SH Rashmi, GM Madhu, A Kittur, R Suresh
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 1, 37-42
26 2013
A mobile cloud computing architecture with easy resource sharing

D Sarddar, R Bose
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1249-1254
25 2014
Analysis of segmental and helical baffle in shell and tube heat exchanger

PS Gowthaman, S Sathish
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 2, 625-628
25 2014
Power generation from speed breaker by rack and ratchet mechanism

AP Rao, AK Kumar, S Suresh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 1 (2), 549-552
25 2014
Quality improvement by using six sigma DMAIC in an industry

A Yadav, VK Sukhwani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (6), 41-46
24 2016
A review on various haze removal techniques for image processing

MK Saggu, S Singh
International journal of current engineering and technology 5 (3), 1500-1505
24 2015
A statistical review on the current scenario of generation and utilization of fly-ash in India

MA Ahmad, M Shahnawaz, MF Siddiqui, ZH Khan
International journal of current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2434-2438
24 2014
The role of public spaces in promoting social interactions

VB Rad, I Ngah
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (1), 184-188
24 2013
The role of public spaces in promoting social interactions

VB Rad, I Ngah
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (1), 184-188
24 2013
Water requirement and productivity of palmarosa on sandy loam soil under a sub-tropical climate

S Singh, M Ram, D Ram, S Sharma, DV Singh
Agricultural water management 35 (1-2), 1-10
24 1997
Stability Enhancement in Wall Belt Supported Dual Structural System using Different Grades of Concrete

DK Upadhyay, S Jamle
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
23 2020
Heart disease diagnosis system based on multi-layer perceptron neural network and support vector machine

TT Hasan, MH Jasim, IA Hashim
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 77 (55), 2277-4106
23 2017
A critical review on minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) coolant system for machining operations

S Madhukar, A Shravan, P Vidyanand, GS Reddy
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 6 (5), 1745-1751
23 2016
Comparison of PID controller tuning techniques for a FOPDT system

K Krishnan, G Karpagam
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2667-2670
23 2014
Vehicle collision detection and remote alarm device using Arduino

A Mane, J Rana
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 401-404
23 2014
Seismic response of RC frames with raft footing considering soil structure interaction

SA Halkude, MG Kalyanshetti, SM Barelikar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1424-1431
23 2014
Stabilization of expansive soil of Surat region using rice husk ash & marble dust

KS Gandhi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1516-1521
23 2013
Ultra high strength concrete using economical materials

NN Meleka, AA Bashandy, MA Arab
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 393-402
23 2013
A comparative study of commonly used solar dryers in India

G Tiwari, VK Katiyar, V Dwivedi, AK Katiyar, CK Pandey
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 994-999
23 2013
Land use and land cover change detection: a comparative approach using post classification change matrix function change detection methodology of Allahabad City

A Singh, S Singh, PK Garga, K Khanduri
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (1), 142-148
23 2013
A systematic analysis of automatic speech recognition: an overview

T Gulzar, A Singh, DK Rajoriya, N Farooq
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (3), 1664-1675
22 2014
A survey of Big Data processing in perspective of Hadoop and MapReduce

D Usha, A Jenil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 602-606
22 2014
Effects of coir fiber on CBR value of itnagar soil

HP Singh
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3 (4), 1283-1286
22 2013
Effects of coir fiber on CBR value of itnagar soil

HP Singh
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3 (4), 1283-1286
22 2013
A Review on Hybrid solar/wind/hydro power generation system

BD Agarkar, SB Barve
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 188-191
21 2016
Thermoelectric power generation using waste heat of automobile

S Karpe
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 144-148
21 2016
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using spent tea leaves extract with atomic force microscopy

A Moosa, AM Ridha, MH Allawi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (5), 3233-3241
21 2015
Design and fabrication of power generation system using speed breaker

DV Rao, KP Rao, SC Rao, RU Rao
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4)
21 2014
Experimental investigation on diesel engines by swirl induction with different manifolds

PR Reddy, KG Rajulu, TVS Naidu
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 2 (2), 488-492
21 2014
A comparative study for wear resistant of Stellite 6 coatings on nickel alloy substrate produced by laser cladding, HVOF and plasma spraying techniques

A Kusmoko, DP Dunne, H Li
21 2014
Evaluating effects of viscous dampers on optimizing seismic behavior of structures

VS Balkanlou, MRB Karimi, BB Azar, A Behravesh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1150-1157
21 2013
Implementation of 16X16 SRAM memory array using 180nm technology

PS Bellerimath, RM Banakar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue …
21 2013
Effect of injector opening pressure and injection timing on performance parameters of high grade low heat rejection diesel engine with tobacco seed oil based biodiesel

NV Rao, MVSM Krishna, PVK Murthy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1401-1411
21* 2013
E-Learning using the Blackboard system in Light of the Quality of Education and Cyber security

A eM Elsawy, O Ahmed
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 9 (1), 49-54
20 2019
Enhanced properties of crumb rubber and its application in rubberized concrete

M Safan, FM Eid, M Awad
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 7 (5), 1784-1790
20 2017
Comparative study of seven bias correction methods applied to three Regional Climate Models in Mekrou catchment (Benin, West Africa)

O Ezéchiel, AA Eric, ZE Josué, BI Eliézer, C Amédée, A Abel
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (5), 1831-1840
20 2016
An explanatory study on Indian young consumers’ luxury consumption: The underlying relationship of interpersonal influence, brand image, brand consciousness and demographic …

S Chakraborty, L Sheppard
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (2), 622-634
20 2016
Experimental investigation in drilling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite using HSS and solid carbide drills

N Shetty, MA Herbert, DS Shetty, GS Vijay, R Shetty, B Shivamurthy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 313-320
20 2015
Literature review for automated water supply with monitoring the performance system

NB Bhawarkar, DP Pande, RS Sonone, M Aaquib, PA Pandit, PD Patil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3328-3331
20 2014
Tracking and recognition of objects using SURF descriptor and Harris corner detection

JJ Anitha, SM Deepa
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 775-778
20 2014
Investigation and modeling of silicon powder mixed EDM using response surface method

NS Khundrakpam, H Singh, S Kumar, GS Brar
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (2), 1022-1026
20 2014
Design of Flip-Flops for High Performance VLSI Applications using Deep Submicron CMOS Technology

RV Tambat, SA Lakhotiya
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 769-774
20 2014
Effect of machining parameters of AISI D2 tool steel on electro discharge machining

SK Majhi, TK Mishra, MK Pradhan, H Soni
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 19-23
20 2014
Effect of some security mechanisms on the Qos VoIP application using OPNET

HA Mohammed, AH Ali
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5)
20 2013
A hand gesture recognition using feature extraction

A Pradhan, MK Ghose, M Pradhan, S Qazi, T Moors, IME EL-Arab, …
Int J Curr Eng Technol 2 (4), 323-327
20 2012
Response of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) under different levels of irrigation on deep sandy soils

S Singh, M Ram, D Ram, VP Singh, S Sharma
Irrigation Science 20 (1), 15-21
20 2000
Transballoon intravascular ultrasound imaging during balloon angioplasty in animal models with coarctation and branch pulmonary stenosis

JH Stock, MD Reller, S Sharma, D Pavcnik, T Shiota, DJ Sahn
Circulation 95 (10), 2354-2357
20 1997
A review on the use of augmented reality to generate safety awareness and enhance emergency response

A Agrawal, G Acharya, K Balasubramanian, N Agrawal, R Chaturvedi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (3), 813-820
19 2016
Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles from goat slaughter waste for environmental protection

AK Jha, K Prasad
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (1), 147-151
19 2016
Cycle time reduction using lean principles and techniques: A review

MR Prajapati, V Deshpande
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 3 (4), 208-213
19 2015
Full-scale modeling of the soil-structure interaction problem through the use of hybrid models (HYMOD)

G Markou, R Sabouni, F Suleiman, R El-Chouli
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 885-892
19 2015
Numerical study of a self priming regenerative pump for improved performance using geometric modifications

VK Karanth, MS Manjunath, YN Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 105-109
19 2015
Comparison of lipid management in patients with coronary versus peripheral arterial disease

S Sharma, R Thapa, V Jeevanantham, T Myers, C Hu, M Brimacombe, …
The American Journal of Cardiology 113 (8), 1320-1325
19 2014
Production, consumption and future challenges of coal in India

SH Qaisar, MA Ahmad
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3437-40
19 2014
The state of the art in research into the condition monitoring of industrial machinery

AA Jaber, R Bicker
Int. J. of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1986-2001
19 2014
Electronic waste: Concerns & hazardous threats

U Kumar, DN Singh
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4, 802-811
19 2014
Evaluation of mechanical properties of aluminium alloy AA6061 (HE-20)

G Venkateshwarlu, A Prasad, KR Kumar
Int. J. Current Eng. Tech 2, 295-7
19 2014
Total productive maintenance review: a case study in automobile manufacturing industry

J Singh, V Rastogi, R Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 2010-2016
19 2013
Numerical analysis of a helical coiled heat exchanger using CFD

VK Karanth
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 3 (4), 126-130
19 2013
Direct methanol fuel cell: A review

M Sajgure, B Kachare, P Gawhale, S Waghmare, G Jagadale
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 6, 1-4
18 2016
Study of Composite Sandwich Structure and Bending Characteristics—A Review

GR Rayjade, GS Rao
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 797-802
18 2015
Phase shifted and level shifted PWM based cascaded multilevel inverter fed induction motor drive

A Venkatakrishna, R Somanatham, MS Reddy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 350-354
18 2014
Big data challenges: Data analysis perspective

R Lodha, H Jain, L Kurup
Int J Current Eng Technol 4 (5), 3286-3289
18 2014
Reliability quantitative risk assessment in engineering system using fuzzy bow-tie

R Ouache, AA Adham
Int J Current Engineer Technol 4 (2), 1117-23
18 2014
Reliability quantitative risk assessment in engineering system using fuzzy bow-tie

R Ouache, AA Adham
Int J Current Engineer Technol 4 (2), 1117-23
18 2014
An energy analysis of condenser

V Haldkar, AK Sharma, RK Ranjan, VK Bajpai
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 3 (4), 120-125
18 2013
Mechatronics Design of Solar Tracking System

FA Salem
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 750-762
18 2013
Multi-objective optimization of design parameters of a shell & tube type heat exchanger using genetic algorithm

S Jena, P Patro, SS Behera
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1379-1386
18 2013
A review on the emotion detection from text using machine learning techniques

U Jain, A Sandhu
Emotion 5 (4), 2645-2650
18 2009
A multicenter randomized trial of rotational atherectomy vs PTCA: DART

M Reisman, M Buchbinder, SK Sharma, SR Bailey, RJ Applegate, KK Ho, …
Circulation 96 (8), 2610-2610
18 1997
Increasing Stability of Multistoried Building using Different Grades of Concrete in Column Member Sets at Different Locations

R Malviya, S Jamle
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
17 2020
Modal analysis of composite sandwich panel

GD Shrigandhi, P Deshmukh
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (4), 259-264
17 2016
Exhaust heat recovery and performance improvement of jaggery making furnace

A Manjare, J Hole
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 165-170
17 2016
Prevention of black hole attack in MANET using addition of genetic algorithm to bacterial foraging optimization

K Bawa, SB Rana
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (4)
17 2015
Adsorption of salicylic and sulfosalicylic acid onto powdered activated carbon prepared from rice and coffee husks

TTD Raoul, AS Gabche, NG Ndifor-Angwafor, KJ Mbadcam
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1641-1652
17 2015
Experimental investigations on effectiveness of axial and circumferential grooves in minimizing wear of journal bearing operating in mixed lubrication regime

SM Muzakkir, H Hirani, GD Thakre
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5, 486-9
17 2015
Design of Solar Insolation Level Detector and Data Logger

P Painjane, R Nangare, A Pardeshi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2083-2087
17 2014
Comparative evaluation of mechanical properties and micro structural characteristics of 304 stainless steel weldments in tig and smaw welding processes

G Karthik, P Karuppuswamy, V Amarnath
International Journal of current engineering and technology 2, 1-7
17 2014
Surface integrity enhancement of Inconel 718 by using roller burnishing process

AP Borkar, PS Kamble, CY Seemikeri
Parameters 1 (2), 3
17 2014
Aroma tells a thousand pictures: digital scent technology a new chapter in IT industry

D Gosain, M Sajwan
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Tech 4 (2014), 2804-2812
17 2014
Impact of turmeric addition on the properties of paneer, prepared from different types of milk

RR Singh, R Singh, BR Shakya
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4, 1874-83
17 2014
Arabic text categorization using k-nearest neighbour, Decision Trees (C4. 5) and Rocchio classifier: a comparative study

AH Mohammad, O Al-Momani, T Alwada’n
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (2), 477-482
16 2016
A review on advance high strength steels

P Khedkar, R Motagi, P Mahajan, G Makwana
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6, 240-243
16 2016
A Magnetorheological Fluid Based Design Of Variable Valve Timing System For Internal Combustion Engine Using Axiomatic Design

SM Muzakkir, H Hirani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 603-612
16 2015
Fuelwood consumption by villagers in different altitudinal gradient: A case of Takoligad watershed of Garhwal Himalaya, India

R Dhanai, RS Negi, S Singh, MK Parmar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 72-80
16 2015
Seismic load analysis of different RC slab systems for tall building

MAA El-Shaer
Acta Technica Corviniensis-Bulletin of Engineering 7 (4), 65
16 2014
Facial landmark localization-a literature survey

D Rathod, A Vinay, S Shylaja, S Natarajan
Int J Current Eng Technol 4 (3), 1901-1907
16 2014
A comparative study of different data mining algorithms

S Bavisi, J Mehta, L Lopes
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3248-3252
16 2014
A survey on image inpainting techniques

N Pandya, B Limbasiya
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1828-1831
16 2013
Public places and spaces and social urban interaction (A case study of Johor Bahru, Malaysia)

ER Namin, H Najafpour, H Lamit
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 281-294
16 2013
Reduction of hexavalent chromium from chrome shavings

SAA Sharaf, GA Gasmeleed, AE Musa
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 1 (1), 24-27
16 2013
The experimental analysis of stir casting method on aluminium-fly ash composites

P Vivekanandan, VP Arunachalam
IJCET 3, 215-219
16 2013
Production and partial characterization of protease from Aspergillus flavus using rice mill waste as a substrate and its comparision with Aspergillus niger protease

C Sankeerthana, S Pinjar, R Jambagi, S Bhavimani, S Anupama, …
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 1, 143-147
16 2013
Evaluation of Pavement Condition Index for Roads of Al-Kut City

MA Al-Neami, RH Al-Rubaee, Z Kareem
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (4), 1461-1467
15 2017
A review on gun barrel erosion

AA Putti, MR Chopade, PE Chaudhari
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4, 231-235
15 2016
A review on green supply chain management in automobile industry

P Sanghavi, Y Rana, S Shenoy, R Yadav
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (6), 3697-3702
15 2015
Seismic analysis of RCC building resting on sloping ground with varying number of bays and hill slopes

N Kalsulkar
15 2015
An experimental study on heat transfer enhancement of flat plates using dimples

A Khan, MZ Bellary, M Ziaullah, AR Kaladgi
American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 4 (4), 34-38
15 2015
Procedure of opinion mining and sentiment analysis: a study

R Shah, B Patel
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 4086-4090
15 2014
Contrast enhancement techniques using histogram equalization: A survey

N Longkumer, M Kumar, R Saxena
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1561-1565
15 2014
Experimental investigation on process performance of powder mixed electric discharge machining of AISI D3 steel and EN-31 steel

B Reddy, GN Kumar, K Chandrashekar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1218-1222
15 2014
Synthesis of azo-bridged benzothiazolephenyl ester derivatives via steglich esterification

M Bhat, SL Belagali
Int J Curr Eng Techol 4 (4), 2711-2715
15 2014
Numerical investigation of the performance and emission characteristics of a CI engine using diesel and its blends with ethanol and Jatropha biodiesel

G Paul, A Datta, B Mandal
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3, 5-9
15 2014
Investigation of automation strategy and its effect on assembly cost: a case study on ball pen assembly line

BR Gajjar, S Sheth
International journal of current Engineering and Technology 3, 89-92
15 2014
Influence of reinforced ferrocement concrete plates under impact load

YBI Shaheen, NM Soliman, DEM Kandil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1528-1540
15 2013
Elaboration and characterization of bioceramic based on tricalcium phosphate and zirconia

I Sallemi, J Bouaziz, F Ben Ayed
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3 (5)
15 2013
Current scenario of poisoning in rural India

SK Sharma
J Forensic Med Toxicol 15, 89-94
15 1998
One-year continuation of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device: findings from a retrospective cohort study in India

S Kumar, A Srivastava, S Sharma, V Yadav, A Mittal, YM Kim, …
Contraception 99 (4), 212-216
14 2019
Influence of the magnetic device on water quality and production of melon

A Elaoud, N Turki, HB Amor, R Jalel, NB Salah
International Journal of Current Engineering & Technology 6 (6), 2256-2260
14 2016
Mechanical characterization of stir cast Al 6063 matrix SiC reinforced metal matrix composites

J Hindi, AU Kini, SS Sharma, BM Gurumurthy, G Shankar
14 2015
Apparel analysis for layout planning in sewing section

M Syduzzaman, AS Golder
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1736-1742
14 2015
Longer fatigue life for asphalt pavement using (SBS@ clay) nanocomposite

F Khodary
International journal of current engineering and technology 5 (2), 949-954
14 2015
Effect of base oil on the anti-wear performance of multi-walled carbon nano-tubes (MWCNT)

SM Muzakkir, KP Lijesh, H Hirani
International Journal of Current Engineering, Technology 5 (2), 681-684
14 2015
Smart security solutions based on internet of things (iot)

CM Shah, VB Sangoi, RM Visharia
Int J Current Eng Technol 4 (5), 3401-3404
14 2014
Automatic pcb defects detection and classification using matlab

PP Londe, SA Chavan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 31-36
14 2014
Controlling Queue Delay (CoDel) to counter the Bufferbloat Problem in Internet

T Sharma
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (3), 2210-2215
14 2014
Fabrication and testing of composite leaf spring for light passenger vehicle

RM Patil, SM Hatrote, AK Pharale, VS Patil, GV Chiniwalar, AS Reddy
International journal of Current engineering and Technology, ISSN, 2277-4106
14 2014
Evaluation of limiting drawing ratio (LDR) in deep drawing by rapid determination method

ACS Reddy, S Rajesham, PR Reddy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 757-762
14 2014
Virtualization, the great thing and issues in cloud computing

S Kumar, SP Singh, AK Singh, J Ali
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3
14 2013
Experimental investigations with crush box simulations for different segment cars using LS-DYNA

AS Kumar, G Himabindu, MS Raman, KVK Reddy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-2 …
14 2013
Magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer of two immiscible fluids through a horizontal channel

A Mateen
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (5), 1952-1956
14 2013
Design, optimisation and system integration of low cost Ground Coupled Central Panel Cooling System (GC-CPCS)

A Sahay, VK Sethi, AC Tiwari
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3, 1473-1479
14 2013
Biosynthesis of ZnO nano particles assisted by Euphorbia tirucalli (Pencil Cactus)

S Hiremath, C Vidya, MAL Antonyraj, MN Chandraprabha, P Gandhi, …
Int J Current Eng Technol (Special Issue1), 176-179
14 2013
Studies on pheromone catches of Helicoverpa armigera hubner and relation of moth activity with larval infestation on tomato in Baghpat Uttar Pradesh

M Kumar, PK Sharma, AK Sharma
International Journal of Microbial Resource Technology 2 (1), 13-15
14 2013
Virtualization, the great thing and issues in cloud computing

S Kumar, SP Singh, AK Singh, J Ali
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3
14 2013
Influence of growth temperature on the properties of DC reactive magnetron sputtered NiO thin films

YAK Reddy, B Ajitha, PS Reddy
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 2 (2), 351-357
14 2013
Immobilized nano TiO2 for photocatalysis of acid yellow-17 dye in fluidized bed reactor

C Gadiyar, B Boruah, C Mascarenhas, V Shetty
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (S1), 84-87
14 2013
Applications of tuning control actions for the efficient load/frequency control in steam turbine

AT Hammid
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1895-1898
14 2013
Design and development of model based controller for a spherical tank

KH Krishna, JS Kumar, M Shaik
International journal of current engineering and technology 2 (4), 374-376
14 2012
A study on socio-economic aspects of forage and fodder crops-A case study of availability and requirement in Himachal Pradesh

GD Vashist, P Mehta, A Kumar, SK Sharma, DC Katoch
Department of Agricultural Economics, HPKV, Palampur (HP) 121
14 2000

LR Sarin, SR Mehta, SK Sharma
Indian journal of medical sciences 18, 319-327
14 1964
Real time data monitoring of PV solar cell using LabVIEW

M Vyas, K Chudasama, M Bhatt, B Gohil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (6), 2218-2221
13 2016
Thermal conductivity of natural fiber, glass fiber & CNTs reinforced epoxy composites

KS Reddy, D Sreedhar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
13 2016
Review on thermoelectric refrigeration: materials and technology

M Gaikwad, D Shevade, A Kadam, B Shubham
Int J Curr Eng Technol (INPRESSCO IJCET) 4 (4), 67-71
13 2016
Estimation of elbow joint angle from time domain features of SEMG signals using fuzzy logic for prosthetic control

R Raj, K Sivanandan
Int journal of current engineering and technology 5 (3), 2078-2081
13 2015
Effect of Addition of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) on Mechanical Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete

S Hirde, G Pavin
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1678-1682
13 2015
Image transformation and compression using Fourier transformation

SS Pandey, MP Singh, V Pandey
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (2), 1178-1182
13 2015
Identification of potential zones for groundwater recharge in Kosigi Mandal, Kurnool District, using remote sensing and GIS

R Palaka, G Sankar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 12-19
13 2015
Evaluation of the effective thermal properties of aluminum metal matrix composites reinforced by ceramic particles

K Almadhoni, S Khan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4), 2884-2897
13 2015
Value Stream Mapping: A continuous improvement tool for reduction in total lead Time

SS Salunke, S Hebbar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 931-934
13 2015
Generating and analyzing test cases from software requirements using nlp and hadoop

P Kulkarni, Y Joglekar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 3934-3937
13 2014
Origami-innovative structural forms & applications in disaster management

VL Maanasa, SRL Reddy
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 4 (5), 3431-3436
13 2014
A review of drilling of carbon fiber reinforced plastic composite materials

D Bandhu, SS Sangwan, M Verma
Int J Curr Eng Technol 14 (3), 1749-1752
13 2014
Design and implementation of microcontroller based automatic solar radiation tracker

VP More, VK Kulkarni
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 230-234
13 2014
A survey of various defense techniques to detect primary user emulation attacks

A Singh, A Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 900-908
13 2014
Hierarchical tree based congestion control using fuzzy logic for heterogeneous traffic in WSN

J Sayyada, NK Choudhari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 4136-4143
13 2014
An experimental investigation on optimum usage of copper slag as fine aggregate in copper slag admixed concrete

B Patnaik, T Seshadri Sekhar, S Rao
International journal of current engineering and technology 4 (5), 3646-3648
13 2014
Performance analysis of carbon fiber with epoxy resin based composite leaf spring

P Ravindra, S Belkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2)
13 2014
Simplified mathematical modelling of dehumidifier and regenerator of liquid desiccant system

R Kumar, AK Asati
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (2), 557-563
13 2014
Evaluation of toxic stress of copper sulphate and lead nitrate on hematological and serum biochemical characteristics of freshwater cyprinid (Labeo rohita)

A Latif, M Khalid, M Ali
Int. J. Current Engg. Technol 4, 366-372
13 2014
Investigation on tensile and flexural properties of cotton fiber reinforced isophthallic polyester composites

S Sabinesh, CJT Renald, S Sathish
International journal of current engineering and technology 2 (2), 213-219
13 2014
Improvement properties of recycle concrete using clay brick as a coarse aggregate

MR Afify, NM Soliman
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 119-127
13 2014
Application of six-sigma methodology in SSI: a case study

V Kumara, R Khandujaa
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 971-976
13 2013
Improving consistency of Comparison matrices in analytical hierarchy process

V Bagla, A Gupta, A Mehra
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 316-321
13 2013
Augmented Heat Transfer in Square ducts with Transverse and Inclined Ribs with and without a gap

S Gupta, A Chaube, P Verma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 688-694
13 2013
Effect of Diesel-Ethanol blends on performance, combustion and exhaust emission of a Diesel engine

V Gnanamoorthia, G Devaradjaneb
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (1), 36-42
13 2013
Experimental Study on Flexural Element using Bambooas Reinforcement

NB Siddhpura, DB Shah, JV Kapadia, CS Agrawal, JK Sevalia
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 476-483
13 2013
Expert system to detect and diagnose the leaf diseases of cereals

R Kaura, S Dina, PPS Pannub
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1480-1483
13 2013
Mechanical properties of the as-cast silicon carbide particulate reinforced Aluminium alloy Metal Matrix Composites

RBAGS Sourav Kayal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
13 2012
Preparation and characterization of nickel coated carbon fiber reinforced polycarbonate composites

S Kushwaha, KK Kar, PSG Krishnan, SK Sharma
Journal of reinforced plastics and composites 30 (14), 1185-1196
13 2011
Profitability, risk and diversification in mountain agriculture: Some policy issues for slow growth crops

A Kumar, SK Sharma, GD Vashist
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57 (3), 356-365
13 2002
Arc welding process selection through a quality and costs

A Thakur, H Gebrelibanos, T Gabrey
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 9 (3), 383-394
12 2019
Adaptive re-use and sustainable development for existing historic buildings–case study: Buildings of racetrack horses in sporting club, Alexandria, Egypt

G Ragheb, AA Ragheb, RA Ragheb
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (4), 1523-1530
12 2017
Green computing: Need of the hour

S Saxena
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 1-3
12 2015
Preparation of starch-chitosan nanocomposites for control drug release of curcumin

DP Mohanty, S Biswal, L Nayak
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5, 336-343
12 2015
Development of a Low Cost Wireless Temperature Monitoring System for Industrial & Research Application

R Singh, SP Singh
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5, 355-361
12 2015
Radio frequency identification (RFID) based employee monitoring system (EMS)

S Sharma, SL Shimi, S Chatterji
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3441-3444
12 2014
Cooling system of electronic devices using microchannel heat sink

SD Thakre, VB Swami, PD Malwe
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 4 (2), 58-60
12 2014
Performance comparison of single & hybrid optical amplifiers for DWDM system using optisystem

A Agarwal, SK Sharma
IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering IOSR-JECE 9 (1), 28-33
12 2014
Modeling and analysis of variable speed wind turbine equipped with PMSG

SK Bisoyi, RK Jarial, RA Gupta, SK Bisoyi, RK Jarial, RA Gupta
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 421-426
12 2014
A study of water quality index (WQI) of the river Brahmani, Odisha (India) to assess its potability

AK Bhadra, B Sahu, SP Rout
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 4270-4279
12 2014
A review paper on comparison of SQL performance analyzer tools: Apache JMeter and HP LoadRunner

B Patel, J Parikh, R Shah
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3642-3645
12 2014
Estimation of cost analysis for 500 kW grid connected solar photovoltaic plant: a case study

VJ Shetty, K Kulkarni
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (1), 1859-1861
12 2014
Issues in transmitting physical health information in m-healthcare

S Sahaa, SK Tomar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 411-413
12 2013
Fracture toughness measurement of hot pressed ZrB2-MoSi2 composite

M Mallik, S Pan, H Roy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1647-1652
12 2013
Experimental study on strain variation and thickness distribution in deep drawing of axisymmetric components

ACS Reddy, S Rajesham, PR Reddy, J Ramulu, A Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (12), 2214-2219
12 2013
Effects of crude and purified bacteriocin of Pediococcus pentosaceus on the growth and zearalenone production by Fusarium graminearum

LH Mahdi, SA Shafiq, HA Ajaa
Int. J. of Curr. Engin and Technol 4 (1), 2277-4106
12 2013
The design method of slope stabilizing piles: a review

D Mujah, F Ahmad, H Hazarika, N Watanabe
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 224-229
12 2013
Reduction of color and COD of anaerobically treated distillary wastewater by electrochemical method

R Farshi, S Priya, MB Saidutta
International Journal of Current Engineering Technology, 168-171
12 2013
Biosorption of As(III) from contaminated water onto low cost palm bark biomass

SC Suantak Kamsonlian, S. Suresh, C.B. Majumder
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
12 2012
Biochemical mechanism of insulin sensitization, lipid modulation and anti-atherogenic potential of PPAR α/γ dual agonist: Ragaglitazar

S Sharma, A Sowjanya, M Kumari, R Suryaprakash, G Cynthia, J Suresh, …
Life Sciences 80 (3), 235-244
12 2006
Impact of television on farmers.

SK Sharma, AN Mishra
Indian Journal of Extension Education
12 1968
The electromagnetic memory of water at kinetic condition

R Mghaiouini, A Elaoud, T Garmim, ME Belghiti, E Valette, CH Faure, …
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 10 (1), 11
11 2020
Explicit solutions of double-chain DNA dynamical system in (2+ 1)-dimensions

SM Mabrouk
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 9, 655-660
11 2019
Numerical Analysis of Large Diameter Bored Pile Installed in Multi Layered Soil: A Case Study of Damietta Port New Grain Silos Project

M Eid, M., Hefny, A., Sorour, T., Zaghloul, Y., and Ezzat
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (2), 218-226
11 2018
Quantitative angiographic characterisation of coronary artery disease in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

K Theodoropoulos, MG Mennuni, S Sartori, OA Meelu, J Yu, U Baber, …
Eurointervention: Journal of Europcr in Collaboration with the Working Group …
11 2017
A Review on cryogenic grinding

H Junghare, M Hamjade, C Patil, SB Girase, MM Lele
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7, 420-423
11 2017
Home Automation using raspberry pi 2

A D’mello, G Deshmukh, M Murudkar, G Tripathi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (3)
11 2016
Experimental investigation of pocket milling on Inconel 825 using abrasive water jet machining

U Goutham, BS Hasu, G Chakraverti, M Kanthababu
Int J Curr Eng Technol 6 (1), 295-302
11 2016
Comparative study of corporate social responsibility in selected public and private sector banks

S Sharma, A Agarwal
BRDV International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 1 (3), 10-17
11 2016
Abnormal human activity recognition using scale invariant feature transform

JLM Iqbal, J Lavanya, S Arun
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (6), 3748-3751
11 2015
A review on lean tools & techniques: continuous improvement in industry

MK Shah, VA Deshpande, RM Patil
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 3 (4), 200-207
11 2015
Vanets model: Vehicle-to-vehicle, infrastructure-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication using ns-3

RS Deshmukh, TS Chouhan, P Vetrivelan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3)
11 2015
Mems based hand gesture wheel chair movement control for disable persons

VSS Kumar, G Ramesh, P Nagesh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1774-1776
11 2015
Synthesis and characterization of aluminium alloy AA-6061–alumina metal matrix composite

S Ekambaram, N Murugan
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (3211), e3216
11 2015
Experimental investigation on the effect of KCL and bentonite on shale stability

JL Ichenwo, S Okotie
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (01), 137-145
11 2015
Optimum design and material selection of Baja vehicle

A Sharma, J Singh, A Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 2169-2180
11 2015
The performance of hybrid journal bearing under extreme operating conditions

KP Lijesh, H Hirani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 277-282
11 2015
Transish: translator from sanskrit to english-a rule based machine translation

P Upadhyay, UC Jaiswal, K Ashish
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
11 2014
Intelligent Data Security In Cloud Computing

P Yellamma, N arasimham Challa, V Sreenivas
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1)
11 2014
Design optimization of catalytic converter to reduce particulate matter and achieve limited back pressure in diesel engine by CFD

B Balakrishna, S Mamidala
International Journal of current engineering and Technology 2, 651-658
11 2014
Visual cryptography scheme for gray scale images based on intensity division

PK Sharma, HM Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 211-215
11 2014
Effect of artificial aging on strength and Wear behaviour of Solutionized Aluminium 6061 alloy

G Shankar, AU Kini, SS Sharma
11 2014
Production, purification and characterization of a novel l-asparaginase from Acinetobacter baumannii with anticancerous activity

SN Muslim
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 4 (1)
11 2014
Recommender systems-comparison of content-based filtering and collaborative filtering

B Sanghavi, R Rathod, D Mistry
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5)
11 2014
Design characterization of rectangular microstrip patch antenna for Wi-Fi application

HK Varshney, M Kumar, AK Jaiswal, R Saxena, A Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN, 2277-4106
11 2014
An outlier detection approach with data mining in wireless sensor network

M Govindarajan, V Abinaya
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 929-932
11 2014
Fabrication of nanostructure CdS thin film on nanocrystalline porous silicon

SA Hasoon, IM Ibrahim, RM Al-Haddad, SS Mahmood
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 594-601
11 2014
Advanced retrofitting techniques for RC building: a state of an art review

MV Vaghani, SA Vasanwala, AK Desai
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 579-584
11 2014
Effect of mass flow rate and temperature on the performance of PEM fuel cell: an experimental study

MK Yadav, BR Sahu, B Gupta, S Bhatt
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3 (3), 950-956
11 2013
Evaluating the prolonged properties of fresh self-compacting concrete incorporating recycled aggregates

MM Kamal, MA Safan, ZA Etman, EA Eldaboly
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 436-446
11 2013
Study of cutting parameters on turning using EN9

H Singh, S Sharma, V Awasthi, V Kumar, S Singh
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 1 (2), 40-42
11 2013
Exergy Analysis of 120MW Thermal Power Plant with Different Condenser Back Pressure and Generate Correction Curves

A Geete, AI Khandwawala
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (1), 164-167
11 2013
Fabrication and characterization of mechanical properties of Al-RHA-Cu hybrid metal matrix composites

A Mittal, R Muni
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (5), 1779-1783
11 2013
Combined Radiation and Ohmic Heating Effects on MHD Free Convective Visco-Elastic Fluid Flow Past A Porous Plate With Viscous Dissipation”

M Umamaheswar, SVK Varma, MC Raju
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1636-1640
11 2013
Kinetics and Microstructure of Solid Phase Precipitation in Mg-7 wt.% Al

F Sahnoune, M Fatmi, H Belhouchet, M Heraiz, N Saheb
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, 54-58
11 2013
Performance Optimization of Steam Power Plant through Energy and Exergy Analysis

KBSA Karun
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
11* 2012
Reliability Assessment of Rukhia Gas Turbine Power Plant in Tripura

MS Asis Sarkar, Dhiren Kumar Behera, Suresh Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
11 2012
Maintenance Policies of Single and Multi-unit Systems in the Past and Present

SK Asis Sarkar, Dhiren Kumar Behera
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
11* 2012
Packaging material and soybean seed quality during storage

SN Sharma, KC Goyal, IL Gupta, HC Gupta, BL Kakralya, SK Sharma, …
Seed Research 26, 89-91
11 1998
A Review Study-Use of Different Shapes of Twin Towers High Rise building under Seismic Loading

M Kumawat, A Pal, M Choudhary
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 37-39
10 2020
A survey on road traffic sign recognition system using convolution neural network

Y Hatolkar, P Agarwal, S Patil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (1), 104-108
10 2018
Pistachio shell flakes and flax fibres as reinforcements in polyester based composites

SY Nayak, SS Heckadka, UA Kini, LG Thomas, I Gupta
International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology, 17-24
10 2017
Experimental investigation on effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of steels and titanium

S Madhukar, VP Sai, S Kumar, DJ Prakash
Int. J. Curr Eng. Technol. 7 (3), 111-1112
10 2017
A review on power quality challenges in renewable energy grid integration

SN Kulkarni, P Shingare
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (5), 1573-1578
10 2016
A review on advantages and applications of Radio over Fiber system

B Singh, D Singh
International journal of Current engineering and technology 6 (3), 1042-1044
10 2016
Design and Implementation of Automatic Emergency Braking System

S Thorat, S Thorve, J Upase, AS Dhupar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, INPRESSCO, E …
10 2016
The effect of HHO and biodiesel blends on performance and emission of diesel engine-A review

KA Kale, MR Dahake
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 1-9
10 2016
Review on application of aluminum foam in sound absorption technology

SV Raut, V Kanthale, B Kothavale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special, 178-181
10 2016
A Review on Heat Pipe for Air Conditioning applications

NS Chougule, TS Jadhav, MM Lele
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 204-207
10 2016
Design and analysis of a car bonnet

N Bhaskar, P Rayudu
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (5), 3105-3109
10 2015
Digital image watermarking based on DWT using QR code

S Nishane, VM Umale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1530-1532
10 2015
Fault tolerance in wireless sensor network

M Mannan, SB Rana
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1785-1788
10 2015
Reading Assistant for the visually Impaired

A Bhargava, KV Nath, P Sachdeva, M Samel
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Activity based access control model for cloud computing

S Ajgaonkar, H Indalkar, J Jeswani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 708-713
10 2015
Tokenism at Workplace: Numbers and beyond

S Datta, G Bhardwaj
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 199-205
10 2015
Relevance ranking algorithm for job portals

V Sarda, P Sakaria, S Nair
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3157-3160
10 2014
Surface roughness analysis during turning of Ti-6Al-4V under near dry machining using statistical tool

R Shetty, TK Jose, GD Revankar, SS Rao, DS Shetty
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2061-2067
10 2014
Review on various optimization techniques used for process parameters of resistance spot welding

MR Rawal, KH Inamdar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 160-164
10 2014
Magnetorheological finishing: a review

K Saraswathamma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-2
10 2014
Mathematical modelling of thin layer mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) drying process

M Edoun, B Matuam, A Kuitche
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3672-3676
10 2014
Process improvement in a filter manufacturing industry through six sigma DMAIC approach

V Karandikar, S Sane, S Sane, S Jahagirdar, S Shinde
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2546-2556
10 2014
Preparation and characterization of Cu nanoparticles by laser ablation in NaOH aqueous solution

WM Khilkhal, GA Al-Dahash, SNA Wahid
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (4), 2577-2579
10 2014
Extractive text summarization

N Mittal, B Agarwal, H Mantri, RK Goyal, MK Jain
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 870-872
10 2014
Blending of ethanol in gasoline: Impact on SI engine performance and emissions

A Pal
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 4 (1), 1-5
10 2014
Multimodal biometric systems: study to improve accuracy and performance

AM Siddiqui, R Telgad, PD Deshmukh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 165-171
10 2014
CFD analysis of splayed pin fin heat sink using advanced composite materials

IL Anusha, S Murali, PS Rao, P Padmavathi
International Conference of Advance Mechanical Science, 493-495
10 2014
Analytical study on special concretes with M20 & M25 grades for construction

SKM Rafi, B Ambalal, BK Rao, MA Baseer
Int J Curr Eng Technol 2, 338-343
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Evaluation of flexural strength of epoxy polymer concrete with red mud and fly ash

A Kumar, G Singh, N Bala
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1799-1803
10 2013
Experimental investigation on engine performance of diesel engine operating on peanut seed oil biodiesel blends

HSB Rao, B Venkatesh, TV Rao, KHC Reddy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1429-1435
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Denoising of biological signals using wavelets

V Prasad, TS Latha, M Suresh
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3 (3), 863-866
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Test case prioritization using clustering

J Badwal, H Raperia
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (2), 488-492
10 2013
Controlling output voltage of photovoltaic cells using ANFIS and interfacing it with closed loop boost converter

R Singh, M Pandit
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 417-423
10 2013
Application of key performance indicators in a leather and shoe industry for leanness analysis using multicriteria approach: a pre implementation study

L Ramachandran, N Alagumurthi
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 1 (2), 43-47
10 2013
Dynamic analysis of forklift during load lifting using modeling and simulations

I Doçi, V Imeri
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 342-347
10 2013
Effect of fuel injection pressure on performance and emission characteristics of DI-CI engine fueled with chicken fat biodiesel

KS Rao, A Ramakrishna, PV Rao
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 3 (2), 53-59
10 2013
Investigation of impact strength properties of oil and date palm frond fiber reinforced polyester composites

AN Anyakora
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3, 493-497
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Biosorption potential of the red alga, Gracilaria verrucosa for the removal of Zn2+ ions from aqueous media: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies

Y Hannachi, A Dekhila, T Boubakera
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3, 2277-4106
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Design of climbing mechanism for a tree climbing robot

TV Hariskrishna, V Pandey, P Harshavardhan
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Research, ISSN, 2249-0019
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Lean manufacturing facilitator selection with VIKOR under fuzzy environment

L Ramachandran, N Alagumurthi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 2277-4106
10 2013
Women entrepreneurship & empowerment through Self Help Group in Tumkur district

K Poornima
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special, 79-83
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Clustering algorithms: Study and performance evaluation using Weka tool

BR Sharmaa, A Paula
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISSN, 2277-4106
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Antifungal activity of endophytic actinomycetes (Streptomyces) against Candida species

S Gandotra, GR Bisht, BS Saharan
International Journal of Microbial Resource and Technology 1, 375-378
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Image Denoising Using Curvelet Transform

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Design of an efficient architecture for advanced encryption standard algorithm using systolic structures

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Wireless controlling and monitoring the consumption energy meter based on zigbee technology

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Anaerobic digestion of tomato wastes from groceries leftovers: effect of moisture content

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Prediction of water treatment plant outlet turbidity using artificial neural network

JH Al-Baidhani, MA Alameedee
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (4), 1559-1565
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A review of laminar burning velocity and flame speed of gases and liquid fuels

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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (1), 183-197
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Performance Evaluation of the Proposed Enhanced Adaptive Gentle Random Early Detection Algorithm in Congestion Situations

M Baklizi, J Ababneh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (5), 1658-1664
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Comparison of various reference current generation techniques for performance analysis of shunt active power filter using MATLAB simulation

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Influence of artificial aging on the stir cast Al6061-sic metal matrix composites under different aging conditions

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Ergonomic Analysis Tools: A Review

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Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine technology-A review

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A comparative study of various exudate segmentation techniques for diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy

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Optimization of WEDM parameters using Taguchi and ANOVA method

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Numerical investigation of cooling of electronic servers racks at different locations and spacing from the data center cooling unit

SA Nada, MA Rady, M Elsharnoby, MA Said
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ATM security using fingerprint authentication and OTP

KA Rajendran, E Jacob, C Narvekar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 1157-1159
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Analysis of the Volume of the Main Water and Wastewater in a Sugar Manufacturing Process followed by the Suggestion Regarding the Reutilization of the Waste Water

C Sharma, V Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1757-1761
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Impact of big data analytics on business intelligence-scope of predictive analytics

PSS Laxmi, PS Pranathi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 856-860
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Image Compression through DCT and Huffman Coding Technique

RSNK Gupta
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
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An overview of bluetooth technology and its communication applications

M Verma, S Singh, B Kaur
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1588-1592
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Numerical investigation of natural convection heat transfer between two vertical plates with symmetric heating

RI El-Ghnam
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 5 (1), 31-44
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Effect of varying gate size on the air traps in injection molding

A Kapila, K Singh, G Arora, N Agarwal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 161-166
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Influence of VG30 grade bitumen with and without reactive ethylene terpolymer (Elvaloy® 4170) in short term aging

KK Vachhani, C Mishra
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4, 4206-4209
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Optimization of machining parameters in end milling of AISI H11 steel alloy by Taguchi based grey relational analysis

N Aggarwal, SK Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
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Near infrared spectroscopy based soil nitrogen measurement-A review

SJ Bansod, S Thakre
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 268-272
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Effect of mechanical properties on deep drawing formability prediction

U Pranavi, PV Reddy, K Lavanya, NN Charyulu, PJ Ramulu
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 303-305
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Role of emulsion and nanotechnology in alternative fuel for compression ignition engine: Review

A Kumar, S Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1)
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Natural radioactivity concentration and estimation of radiation exposure in environmental soil samples from Al-Sader city/Iraq

AM Saleh, AH Al-Mashhadani, MA Siyah
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 1-5
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Role of emulsion and nanotechnology in alternative fuel for compression ignition engine: Review

A Kumar, S Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1)
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Analysis of stress on Pelton turbine blade due to jet impingement

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Detecting region duplication forgery in digital image using SIFT features

PS Kotkar, SS Shriramwar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1437-1440
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Surfactant assisted synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles, characterization and its antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

YT Prabhu, BS Kumari, KV Rao, V Kavitha, DA Padmavathi
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4, 1038-1041
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Wet Deposition of Gaseous Pollutants in Dhanbad, India for Rainwater Quality

P Rai
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Analysis on micro elliptical textured journal bearing

TS Ganji, SK Kakoty, RK Pandey
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Reliability modeling and performance analysis of dumper systems in mining by KME method

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Design, fabrication and gait planning of alligator-inspired robot

S Shriyam, A Mishra, D Nayak, A Thakur
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FPGA based FIR filter design for enhancement of ECG signal by minimizing base-line drift interference

DJ Pawar, PC Bhaskar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5)
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Performance optimization of PI controller in non linear process using genetic algorithm

P Aravind, SM GirirajKumar
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A study on efficient load balancing algorithms in cloud computing environment

U Chatterjee
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 1767-1770
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Preparation of aluminum alloy from recycling cans wastes

SA Abdulsada
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4)
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Industrial work station design: An ergonomic approach to number punching machine

S Mujumdar, V Karandikar, S Sane
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1463-1466
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A Valuable approach for Image Processing and Change Detection on Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

V Kumar, KD Garg
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 512-516
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Parmotrema nilgherrense: potential antimicrobial activity against drug resistant pathogens

S Javeria, SK Shahi, MP Shahi, DK Upreti
International Journal of Microbial Resource Technology 2 (1), 36-40
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Effect of injector opening pressure and injection timing on performance parameters of high grade low heat rejection diesel engine with tobacco seed oil based biodiesel

NV Rao, MVSM Krishna, PVK Murthy
International Journal of Current Engineering & Technology 3 (4), 1401-1411
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Probabilistic Analyses of Slopes: A State of the Art Review

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Strength and stiffness of soil reinforced with jute geotextile sheets

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Anaerobic reactor to treat dairy industry wastewater

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Deposition and characterization of ITO thin film over glass for defogger application and for solar photovoltaics

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Trend analysis in observed and projected precipitation and mean temperature over the Black Volta Basin, West Africa

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Comparative Seismic Analysis of EL Centro and Japan Earthquakes using Response Spectra Method

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Security risks in cloud computing: A review

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Design of medicine prescription pattern using fuzzy logic in case of minor ailments

RJ Patil, PS Bidkar
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Design and Optimization of Photovoltaic-Diesel Generator-Battery Hybrid System for off-grid areas

MG Barade, A Roy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 344-353
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Structural and thermal analysis of piston

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Experimental investigation of shell-and-tube heat exchanger with different type of baffles

PJ Pawar, RJ Yadav
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Theoretical properties prediction of diesel-biodiesel-DEE blend as a fuel for CI engine with required modifications for optimum performance

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Analysis and topological optimization of motorcycle swing-arm

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Effect of variable length intake manifold on performance of ic engine

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Design Development and Heat Transfer Analysis of Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger

D Saurabh, PK Tamkhade, MM Lele
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Application of Moving Car Observer Method for Measuring Travel Time, Delay & Vehicle Flow under Heterogeneous Traffic Condition of CBD Area: Case Study of Surat-Rajmarg (Chowk …

MJ Solanki, FS Umrigar, LB Zala, A Amin
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 799-803
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Thermal and exergy analysis of counter flow induced draught cooling tower

AHN Khalifa
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Effects of Luminous Solar Concentrator Parameters (Dyes Mixture, Host type and LSC Thickness) on the Si Solar Cell Performance Efficiency

AH Al-Hamdani, SI Ibrahim, SKA Alrda
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4), 2439-2443
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Effect of location of shear walls on seismic performance of buildings

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Effect of gas flow rate on the electron temperature, electron density and gas temperature for atmospheric microwave plasma jet

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Manufacturing of particulate reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites using stir casting process

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Factors influencing treatment of nitrate contaminated water using batch electrocoagulation process

KS Pak
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Effect of nanofluid on friction factor of pipe and pipe fittings: part I-effect of aluminum oxide nanofluid

NK Chavda, JP Jani, AK Patel, KP Zala, NG Nimbark
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 4069-4074
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Malicious Website Detection using Visual Cryptography and OTP

K Nanaware, K Kanade, M Bhat, R Patil, AS Deokar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3310-3313
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A Recognization Based Graphical Password System

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VHDL based Canny edge detection algorithm

SS Rashid, SR Dixit, AY Deshmukh
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology 4, 749-752
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Application of Job Difficulty Index© to compare work severity using P-SVR© method of Ergonomic analysis

VN Karandikar, SM Sane
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 417-422
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Design of Bio Gas Generation Plant Based on Food Waste

R Beedu, P Modi
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Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade

G Srinivas, GT Mahesha, KN Chethan, N Arjun
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Numerical method for optimum performance of fin profiles

B Lotfi, A Belkacem
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 3990-3998
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Text clustering using PBO algorithm for analysis and optimization

M Kaur, N Kaur
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 3876-3878
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A Review Paper on Oculus Rift

S Katchhi, P Sachdeva
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
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Damage detection in aluminium honeycomb structure using vibration analysis

LS Dhamande, RV Bhaskar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (5)
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Biological denitrification with immobilized Pseudomonas Syringae on granular activated carbon using three phase draft tube spouted bed reactor

K Joshi, R Rajan, G Srinikethan, MB Saidutta
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A review on influence of geometry and other initial conditions on the performance of a pcm based energy storage system

GD Shinde, PR Suresh
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Comparison of heat transfer between a circular and rectangular tube heat exchanger by using ansys fluent

P Bisht, M Joshi, A Gupta
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An Efficient Algorithm for Sink Mobility to Extend Lifetime of Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

P Dekate
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Design and development of household gasifier cum water heater

AD Chendake, PS Shelake, RD Nalawade, SD Vairal
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Investigation on wear behaviour of Al6061-Al2O3-graphite hybrid metal matrix composites using artificial neural network

P Maheswaran, CJT Renald
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Fingerprint image segmentation using global thresholding

R Telgad, AM Siddiqui, PD Deshmukh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 216-9
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Studies on ground water pollution due to iron content in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

GS Achary
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 88-93
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An ontology based approach for finding semantic similarity between web documents

P Chahal, M Singh, S Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1925-1931
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A Real Time Wireless Multi–Parameter monitoring System with ZigBee and LabVIEW

D Kothari, M Thakker, VA Shah, T Gohel
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An experimental study and analysis of surface roughness in wet turning operation of EN 353 steel

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Energy saving techniques in wireless sensor networks

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Adsorptive removal of acid red 1, from aqueous solutions by preformed flocs

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Biological activities of extracts of different spices and plants

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Application of artificial neural networks to predict daily solar radiation in Sokoto

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Shape memory alloys and its application in mems devices

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Parameters Affecting Electrothermal Actuation Based Microtweezers

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Facial Expression Recognition

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CFD modeling and simulation of 10KWE biomass downdraft gasifier

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Effect of Different types of Baffles on Heat Transfer & Pressure Drop of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger: A review

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Red Mud, the cutting edge of self-compacting concrete, INPRESSCO

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Effects of baseline and early acquired thrombocytopaenia on long-term mortality in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with bivalirudin.

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Antimicrobial potential of important medicinal plants of India

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Prediction of Mechanical properties of Al Alloy 6061-T6 by using GMAW

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Applications of D-STATCOM for power quality improvement in distribution system

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Baseline creation for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration plant using monoethanolamine absorbent

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Design Optimization of Rotary Tiller Blade using Specific Energy Requirement

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Generation of electric power using turbo ventilators

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Analysis of heat transfer coefficient inside gun barrel

P Abhilash, MR Chopade
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 460-463
7 2016
Experimental study of natural convective heat transfer from vertical rectangular fin array at different angle of inclination

SV Kadbhane, DD Palande
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
7 2016
A review paper on numerical simulation of moving heat source

SB Powar, PM Patane, SL Deshmukh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 63-66
7 2016
Density Function Theory B3LYP/6-31G** Calculation of Geometry Optimization and Energies of Donor-bridge-acceptor Molecular System

HB Hassan
Int. J. Cur. Eng. Technol 4 (4), 2342-2345
7 2016
Aspect based opinion mining and ranking: Survey

A Mahadik, A Bharambe
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (6), 3589-3592
7 2015
Threshold based dynamic resource allocation using virtual machine migration

RU Ighare, RC Thool
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (4), 2603-2608
7 2015
A survey on heart disease diagnosis and prediction using naive bayes in data mining

BV Baiju, RJR Janet
INPRESSCO-International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2 …
7 2015
Drug addiction effect in medical diagnosis by using fuzzy soft matrices

N Sarala, S Rajkumari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 247-251
7 2015
Sensorless field oriented control of permanent magnet synchronous motor

GF Abdelnaby, TA Dakrory, SH Arafa, SG Ramdan
International journal of current engineering and technology 5 (1)
7 2015
Kinematic, dynamic and tribological analysis of push rod type valve system

SM Muzakkir
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 3 (2)
7 2015
Phenomenon of motion of salt along the walls of the container

SA Khan, FA Khan
International J. of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 368-370
7 2015
Practical manual of interventional cardiology

A Kini, S Sharma, J Narula
7 2014
Cooling system analysis for a data center using liquid immersed servers

A Almaneea, HM Thompson, JL Summers, N Kapur
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 4 (3), 200-207
7 2014
Algorithm for optimizing first node die (FND) time in LEACH protocol

N Chawla, A Jasuja
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2748-2750
7 2014
A key-point based robust algorithm for detecting cloning forgery

M Saleem
IEEE international conference on control system, computing and engineering …
7 2014
Design of a GPS based Virtual Eye for the Blind People

R Kale, AP Phatale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2162-2164
7 2014
Bayesian inference to predict smelly classes probability in open source software

H Kapila, S Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1724-1728
7 2014
Security framework to ensure the confidentiality of outsourced data in public cloud storage

L ArockiamȦ, S Monikandan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1265-1270
7 2014
Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm Based on FPGA

AR TondeȦ, AP DhandeȦ
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 1048-1050
7 2014
A systematic analysis on MOOD and QMOOD metrics

B Katoch, LK Shah
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 620-622
7 2014
Design and structural analysis of skid landing gear

SN Kumar, JA Shukur, K Sriker, A Lavanya
International conference on advances in mechanical sciences
7 2014
Analysis of buckling of piles fully embedded in ground according to finite element method

V Shatri, L Bozo, B Shefkiu, B Shatri
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 4
7 2014
Multivariate analysis of phenotypic diversity of rice (Oryza sativa) germplasm in North-West India

SK Sharma, J Singh, MS Chauhan, SL Krishnamurthy
7 2014
Application of B–spline based FEM to one-dimensional problems

CS Reddy, YR Reddy, P Srikanth
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 137-140
7 2014
Wireless communications enlargement: a review of advancement in technologies

R Singh, P Singh, K Yadav
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2703-2710
7 2014
Design and performance analysis of 3D W/T/P MPR OCDMA system

A Sihmar, N Gupta
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2653-2656
7 2014
Study of the effect of minimum quantity lubrication on the surface roughness of Incoloy 800 during Turning operation

MI Ansari, B Kotiveerachary
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 2, 18-22
7 2014
Isolation and characterization of lignin obtained from Calliandra calothyrsus shrub using FT-IR spectroscopy

SY Adaganti, BM Kulkarni, GP Desai, S Shanmukhappa
Int. J. Current Eng. Technol. 4 (2), 542-544
7 2014
Fabrication scheme, instrumentation scheme and testing of ground coupled central panel cooling system (GC-CPCS)

A Sahay, VK Sethi, AC Tiwari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 631-638
7 2014
Risk analysis on the use of Damodar river water for drinking purposes

A Singh, B Deo, SP Singh
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (1), 405-410
7 2014
An assessment of naphthalene stress on renal and hepatic functional integrity in Labeo rohita

A Latif, M Khalid, M Ali
International Journal of Current Enginering and Technology 4 (1), 319-324
7 2014
Photocatalytic degradation of phenolic compounds using Halogen/H2O2/TiO2 Process in Aqueous Solution

KR Gota, S Sanago, S Suresh
Int. J. Curr. Engg. Tech 4, 156-159
7 2014
The use of Turbidity and Total Suspended Solids Correlation for the Surface Water Quality Monitoring

L Kusari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1311- 1314
7 2013
A Review of character segmentation methods

C Patel, A Patel, D Shah
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 2075-2078
7 2013
Magneto Dielectric and Electromagnetic Absorbing studies of Antimony Doped Nickel Ferrites

E Pervaiz, IH Gul
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1784-1788
7 2013
Effect of deep cryogenic treatment on AISI T42 high speed steel

D Candane, N Alagumurthi, K Palaniradja
Int J Cur Eng Technol 3, 1164-1170
7 2013
Performance analysis of DSR, DYMO, OLSR and RIP protocols of Manet using CBR and VBR transmission traffic mode

M Kaushal, P Singh
International Journal of current engineering and technology 3 (4), 1541-1548
7 2013
Chemical resistance of concrete with ceramic waste aggregate

DD Sa, D Gobinatha
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (3)
7 2013
Study of different methods for enhancing power quality problems

P Chhabra
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 403-410
7 2013
Sliver nanoparticles synthesis and stabilization by different species of ocimum and characterization for its antimicrobial activity

T Tejaswi, KV Rao, CS Chakara
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Tech 32, 501-506
7 2013
The use of Turbidity and Total Suspended Solids Correlation for the Surface Water Quality Monitoring

LKAF Ahmedi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1311-1314
7 2013
The use of turbidity and total suspended solids correlation for the surface water quality monitoring

L Kusari, F Ahmedi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1311-1314
7 2013
Three-dimensional (3D) modeling of the knee and designing of custom made knee implant using mimics software

R Kamal, DA Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 327-330
7 2013
Pervaporation separation of water-dioxane mixtures through poly (vinyl alcohol)-silicone based hybrid membranes

AA Kittur, J BK, MY Kariduraganavar
Int J Curr Eng Technol 1, 148-156
7 2013
Experimental investigation of double pass solar air heater using different type of porous media

B Gupta, GP Manikpuri, JK Waiker, M Pandya
Int J Curr Eng Tech 3 (5), 2006-2009
7 2013
Improved maximum power point tracking for solar PV module using ANFIS

RK Kharb, SL Shimi, S Chatterji
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3 (5), 1878-1885
7 2013
Insight of riverbank filtration system at Haridwar for enhancement of drinking water quality

B Saini, I Mehrotra, P Kumar, R Verma
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3 (4), 1264-1270
7 2013
Hamming index of class of graphs

HS Ramane, AB Ganagi
Int. J. Curr. Engg. Tech, 205-208
7 2013
Dynamic modeling, optimal control design and comparison between various control schemes of home refrigerator

T Patel, J Shah, M Satria
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2047-2052
7 2013
Effect of anode type and position on the cathodic protection of carbon steel in sea water

AA Atshan, BO Hasan, MH Ali
International journal of current engineering and technology 3 (5), 2017-2024
7 2013
Numerical analysis of multirow arrangement of small diameter steel piles for landslide prevention

D Mujah, F Ahmad, H Hazarika, N Watanabe
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (1), 1-20
7 2013
Wavelet & Correlation Analysis of Weather Data

R Bhardwaj
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
7 2012
Analysis of Water Parameters Using Haar Wavelet (Level 3)

RB Kulwinder Singh Parmar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
7 2012
Analysis of water parameters using Haar wavelet (level 3)

KS Parmar, R Bhardwaj
Int J Curr Eng Technol 2 (1), 166-171
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Quality of service for mobile Ad-hoc wireless networks

V Bapuji, S Sharma, RL Naik, D Ramesh, B Manjula
international Journal on computer Science and Engineering 3 (4), 1573-1577
7 2011
Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in horses in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh

S Sharma, PC Shukla, P Dixit, AK Dixit
Veterinary Practitioner, Rajasthan 12 (1), 68-69
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Corrosion inhibition of Al6061-SiCp composite in 0.5 M hydrochloric acid

AU Kini, P Shetty, DS Shetty, AM Isloor
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Is backache a serious malady among Indian helicopter pilots: A survey report

SK Sharma, A Agarwal
Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 50 (2), 13-19
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Marketing channels, production problems and constraints in vegetable cultivation: A case study in Himachal Pradesh

A Sharma, A Kumar, SK Sharma
The Bihar Journal of Agricultural Marketing 12 (1), 47-51
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Evaluation of risk in diversified crop farming of Himachal Pradesh-a case study of vegetable farms

AK Sharma, P Mehta, SK Sharma
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 51 (4), 680
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Influence of phosphorous fertilization on yield and quality traits in early cultivars of garden pea

YR Shukla, UK Kholi, SK Sharma
Horticulture Journal 6, 129-131
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Possibilities of cultivation of Pleurotus sajor caju (Fr.) Singer on agricultural waste in Rajasthan

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Full-Scale Well Instrumented Large Diameter Bored Pile Load Test in Multi Layered Soil: A Case Study of Damietta Port New Grain Silos Project

M Eid, M., Hefny, A., Sorour, T., Zaghloul, Y. and Ezzat
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (1), 85-98
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Optimal alum dosage prediction required to treat effluent water turbidity using artificial neural network

JH Al-Baidhani, MA Alameedee
International journal of current engineering and technology 7 (4), 1552-1558
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Usage of Social Media in Employee Sourcing and its Impact in Creating an Employer Brand

S Mehta, S Sharma
Sumedha Journal of Management 5 (4), 34-52
6 2016
An improvement in face recognition for invariant faces

Y Bakhshi, S Kaur, P Verma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (2), 423-426
6 2016
Parametric optimization of TIG welding process in butt joining of mild steel and stainless steel

R Rudrapati, N Chowdhury, A Bandyopadhyay
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6, 144-149
6 2016
Ground penetrating radar technique for assessing pavement thicknesses and bridge deterioration

HH Karim, HH Joni, AA Dawood
Int J Curr Eng and Technol 6 (5), 1770-1779
6 2016
Multi-objective optimization in Turning of EN31 steel using Taguchi based grey relational analysis

DR Reddy, AVH Babu, S Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 1317-1322
6 2016
Heat Enhancement using TiO2-Nano Fluid in Automotive Cooling System

ED Kurhe, SS Kal, AD Purane, SS Kale, SR Ransing
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6, 51-55
6 2016
Deep drawing process parameters: A review

G Angasu, KS Reddy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 1204-1215
6 2016
Improving Productivity in a Paint Industry using Industrial Engineering Tools and Techniques

A Jaiswal, SM Sane, V Karandikar
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 4 (11), 145-161
6 2016
Review on Waste Heat Recovery Techniques in Air Conditioning Application

KR Meshram, PR Mahale, TS Jadhav, MM Lele
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4, 208-212
6 2016
Carpooling application in android

A Antao, V Correia, S Gonsalves
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 955-958
6 2015
Determination of Energy Gap & Efficiency in Dye Polymer Solar Cells

EII Elsay, MDA Allah, AAM Fadol, SAE Ahmed
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4), 2713-2715
6 2015
Drainage design equation for Egyptian Vertisols

MH Husseinϯ
6 2015
API textbook of medicine

SK Sharma, AK Agrawal, RK Singal
Diabetes and kidney disease 1, 528-33
6 2015
Study the high performance of organic semiconductor CuPc field effect transistor

MT Hussein, EK Hassan, ET Abdullah
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 1593-1596
6 2015
Image encryption & decryption with symmetric key cryptography using MATLAB

J Singh, K Lata, J Ashraf
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 448-451
6 2015
Street light automation controller using ZigBee network and sensor with accident alert system

V Srinath, S Srinivas
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5, 2819-2823
6 2015
Cycle time reduction of PCF gearbox using total productive maintenance (TPM) approach

PN Chandegra, VA Deshpande
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 3 (2), 60-67
6 2015
A Review Paper on Goal-Line Technology

P Shan, R Muchhala, G Shan
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4, 3387-3390
6 2014
Attitude Determination and Control System design of KufaSat

MC Mahdi, AR Shehab
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4)
6 2014
K-SEP: A more stable SEP using K-Means Clustering and Probabilistic Transmission in WSN

B Kandari, R Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4)
6 2014
Analyzing effects of different gates on component and molding parameters

R Vashisht, A Kapila
Int. J. Current Eng. Technol 4 (4)
6 2014
A review paper on sixth sense technology

J Mehta, N Nayani, L Kurup
Int J Current Eng Technol 4 (3)
6 2014
Analysis of Substrate Material Variation on Circular, Rectangular and Non-Linear Microstrip Patch Antenna

BT Salokhe, SN Mali
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3)
6 2014
Restoration of Power Supply in a Multiple Feeder Distribution Network using Dijkstra’s Algorithm

S Narasannavar, R Kannur, SB Karajgi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1972-1975
6 2014
Comparative Analysis of Different Modulation Techniques using ROF in Optical Communication System

V Upadhyay, AK Jaiswal, M Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2049-2052
6 2014
Power quality issues in healthcare centre

K Kulkarni, VJ Shetty
International journal of current engineering and technology 4 (3), 4
6 2014
Effective implementation of agile practices in collaboration with cloud computing

VE Jyothi, KN Rao
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3)
6 2014
Impelling Heart Attack Prediction System using Data Mining and Artificial Neural Network

J Nalavade, M Gavali, N Gohil, S Jamale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1-5
6 2014
Dynamic response of NACA 0018 for car spoiler using CFRP material

GN Kumar, GB Reddy, K ChandraShekar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1231-1235
6 2014
An IVR based intelligent guidance stick for blind

M Saraf, M Shehzad, N Jadhav
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 17
6 2014
Assembly line balancing: A case study in silencer manufacturing

S Sane, V Karandikar, R Pulkurte, S Patil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1583-1586
6 2014
Exergy analysis of vapour compression refrigeration system

PD Malwe, BS Gawali, SD Thakre
Int. J. Therm. Technol 4 (2), 54-57
6 2014
Design and modification in the existing model of trolley jack 20261

V Ranglani, S Kumar, C Singh, R Rani, R Davis
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1661-1663
6 2014
Implementation of Efficient Multirate Filter Structure for Decimation

SR Gaikwad, GS Gawande
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 1008-1010
6 2014
Performance comparison of various low noise-high speed amplifier topologies for GPS applications

PC Pattewar, KB Khanchandani
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (1), 426-429
6 2014
Metal oxide based nanoparticles use for pressure sensor

Y Rao, G Inwati, A Kumar, J Meena, M Singh
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4, 2492-2498
6 2014
Surface treatment evaluation of induction hardened and tempered 1045 steel

A Kusmoko, DP Dunne, R Dahar, H Li
6 2014
Wind Towers” Wind Catchers” A Perfect Example of Sustainable Architecture in Egypt

MM Tolba
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 430-437
6 2014
The effect of cane molasses on cow milk productivity

S Trivedi, S Shah
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4, 4157-61
6 2014
Hydrological modeling of Bagmati River Basin, Nepal

SK Manjan, SP Aggarwal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 3978-3984
6 2014
Comparative Study of Noise Removal Techniques

A Gupta, Y Kaushik
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 3904-3907
6 2014
Assessment of therapeutic potential of Phyllanthus emblica (Amla): A natural Godsend

A Kumar, A Singh, B Singh
Int. J. Cell Sci. Biotech 3, 4-14
6 2014
Exposition of solutions to hypervisor vulnerabilities

B Kanoongo, P Jagani, P Mehta, L Kurup
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3244-3247
6 2014
Experimental investigation for finding optimum surface roughness, VMRR and interface temperature during turning of AISI 8620 alloy steel using CNMG insert

RK Suresh, P Venkataramaiah, G Krishnaiah
International Jornal of current Engineering and Technology 4 (4)
6 2014
Cloud computing: demand and supply in banking, healthcare and agriculture

A Thakur, M Kumar, RK Yadav
Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 16 (3), 96-101
6 2014
Rapidly solidified of hyper eutectic aluminum-silicon alloys ribbons by using melt-spinning techniques

EJ Abed
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1394-1398
6 2014
Production and performance testing of waste frying oil biodiesel

A Pal, D Trivedi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1366-69
6 2014
Trust based routing in ad-hoc networks

DG Patel, PA Pandey, MC Patel
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (2), 860-863
6 2014
Numerical analysis of vibration in mesh stiffness for spur gear pair with method of phasing

DK Kokare, SS Patil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special, 156-159
6 2014
Study of multiple spark ignition engines with single spark ignition engines on the basis of engine efficiency and emission characteristics size

A Dubey, A Pareta, P Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 14-17
6 2014
ANN control of non-linear and unstable system and its implementation on inverted pendulum

NS Bhattathiri, PA Saraswathi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 826-831
6 2014
Design and Simulation of a Producer Gas Carburetor–A Review

SJ Suryawanshi, RB Yarasu
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 10-13
6 2014
A critical technological literature review of–photovoltaic/thermal solar collectors system

NP Gulhane, KV Chavan
Int J Current Eng Tech 3, 258-264
6 2014
Synthesis, Characterization and DC Conduction Mechanism in Inverse Spinel Compound (Mg2TiO4)

AK Singh, A Dhillon, TD Senguttuvan, AM Siddiqui
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 399-404
6 2014
Bacteria and fungi associated with Acute Otitis media

IA Saleh, IAA Saleh, NAA Saleh, MS Mḃ
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (1), 316-318
6 2014
Review of research trends: Process parametric optimization of wire electrical discharge machining (wedm)

D Sudhakara, G Prasanthi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (1), 131-140
6 2014
Effect of hydrothermal ageing on glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) composite laminates exposed to water and salt water

PS Rao, MM Husain, PJ Ramulu
Int J Curr Eng Technol 2, 47-52
6 2014
Optimum design of welded steel plate girder using genetic algorithms

V Agarwal, V Chandwani, A Porwal
Int J Eng Technol 3 (4)
6 2013
A Solution to Unit Commitment Problem via Dynamic Programming and Particle Swarm Optimization

SU Rani, CHP Raju
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4)
6 2013
Detection of ground glass nodules in human lungs using lungs CT scans images

P Aggarwala, R Kumara
Int J Cur Eng Tech 2 (3), 484-7
6 2013
The Effect Of Variation in Notch Width on Return Loss of Inset–Fed Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wi-Fi Applications

G Walia, K Pahwa
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (1)
6 2013
Corporate eco-efficiency and financial performance

A Matarazzo, MT Clasadonte, C Ingrao, F Lanuzza
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 517
6 2013
Optimization of performance parameters of a diesel engine fuelled with biofuels

KP Rao, RUM Rao, SR Babu, DV Rambabu
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 3 (3), 85-91
6 2013
Evaluation of rice genotypes for yield, physiological and biological traits in sodic soils

YP Singh, D Singh, SK Sharma, SL Krishnamurthy
Indian Society of Soil Salinity and Water Quality
6 2013
Analysis of performance of Ljungstrom air preheater Elements

S Vulloju, EM Kumar, MS Kumar, KK Reddy
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol, 2501-2505
6 2013
Analysis of adaptive filter algorithms using MATLAB

P Yadava, KP Gowdb, PS Singhelb, A Kharec, SK Paranjpeb
Int J Curr Eng Tech 3 (3)
6 2013
Optimization of association rule mining process using Apriori and Ant Colony Optimization algorithm

S Aggarwal, B Rani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 623
6 2013
Production of Ethyl Levulinate (an additive to biodiesel) using Paper Waste

S Devi, H Bhaskar, K Kundu, V Dahake
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3, 672-676
6 2013
Performance analysis of single slope solar stills at different inclination angles: an indoor simulation

N Singh
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3 (2), 677-684
6 2013
Modelling and control of single link manipulators for flexible operation by using linearization techniques

GV Narayana, P Ramesh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology ISSN, 2277-4106
6 2013
Multi-response optimization of EDM parameters by Grey-PCA method

H Soni, TK Mishra, MK Pradhan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1941-1945
6 2013
A MATLAB GUI tool for optimization of fms scheduling using conventional and evolutionary approach

A Kumar, V Veeranna, B Durgaprasad, B Sarma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1739-1744
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A study the effect of retained austenite on fatigue life of austempering ductile iron by using artificial neural networks

AS Hammood, HM Lieth
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Water Quality Monitoring and Trophic status classification of Karanji Lake, Mysore

T Mamatha, TN Parinitha, S Umesha, B Krishna
Int J Curr Eng Technol 6
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Survey on clustering algorithm & diagnosing unsupervised anomalies for network security

PK Doad, MB Mahip
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3 (5), 2277-2410
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AFM study of corrosion inhibition of carbon steel by Octanesulphonic acid-Zinf ion system

CM Anbarasi
Int J Curr Eng Technol
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Influence of tool geometry in friction stir welding on material flow pattern

P Thimmaraju
International Journal of current Engineering and technology 2, 230-235
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Fusion of mfcc & lpc feature sets for accurate speaker identification

RB Shinde, VP Pawar
International JOurnal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 1763-1766
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Dry sliding wear characteristics of fly ash reinforced AA2024 based stir cast composite

YM Shivaprakash, KV Sreenivasa Prasad, Y Basavaraj
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 911-921
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Two Neuron Model for Voltage Flicker Mitigation Using Generalized Unified Power Flow Controller

LPS Sujin P. R, T. Ruban Deva Prakash
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Unprotected left main bifurcation lesion: impact of drug eluting stents

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Groundwater management in India issues and options

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Rotational Atherectomy: A New Treatment Modality for Ostial Stenoses of ÒStent-JailedÓ Side Branches

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Raman study of TiO2 under high pressures at room temperature

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A multivariable study of adoption of high yielding varieties of paddy

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Supply Chain Risk Management using Expert Systems

M Soleymani, MO Nejad
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5 2018
Resistance spot welding of dissimilar alloys 1008 low carbon steel-5052 aluminum alloy

MJ Zedan, QM Doos
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A study on improvement of fatigue life of materials by surface coatings

S Madhukarϯ, BRH Reddy, GA Kumar, RP Naikϯ
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 8, 5-9
5 2018
Punching Shear Behavior of RC Flat Slabs Strengthened with Steel Shear Bolts

M Hamdy, M Saafan, SK Elwan, SM Elzeiny, A Abdelrahman
Int J Curr Eng Technol
5 2018
Fabrication of shell and tube heat exchanger using helical baffles based on kern’s principle

K Harika, T Likhitha, K Hema, P Pavani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (3), 821-826
5 2017
Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM) in a case of Japanese encephalitis with an unexpected complication

S Mohta, A Ray, SK Sharma, S Vyas
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Strengthening of two way reinforced concrete slabs using different techniques

EK Sayhood, AA Ali, ZS Sharhan
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5 2017
Survey of routing protocol used in vehicular ad hoc networks

A Srivastava, BP Chaurasia
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 7 (3), 1-12
5 2017
Experimental performance analysis of triple tube heat exchanger with dimple tubing

GV Wafelkar, LV Kamble
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Res 6 (4), 810-816
5 2017
Design and implementation of intelligent mobile robot based on microcontroller by using three ultrasonic sensors

KS Rejab, SMN Abd-Al Hussain
Intl. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 7, 1-6
5 2017
Characterization of nano-silica concrete for nuclear uses

YR Zaghloul, SK Elwan
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 7 (1), 207-212
5 2017
Determination of the acceptable range of mixing and compaction temperatures for modified asphalt mixture with styrene butadiene styrene (SBS)

H Joni, E Shaker
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (5), 1777-1783
5 2017
Design analysis of piston for four stroke single cylinder engine using ANSYS

MB Shinde, TV Sakore, VD Katkam
IJCET, special, 94-99
5 2016
Dynamics, Simulation, and Control of a Batch Distillation Column using Labview

NA Habobi, SM Yaseen
International Jurnal of Current Engineering and Technology, 303-309
5 2016
Design and analysis of assembly of Piston, connecting rod and crank shaft

G Gopal, LS Kumar, D Gopinath, UM Rao
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (1), 235-42
5 2016
Microbial activities and soil health in rice rhizosphere as affected by long term integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers

GK Gill, SK Gosal, S Sharma
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci 5 (5), 568-580
5 2016
Organic Rankine Cycle and Its Working Fluid Selection—A Review

SS Bajaj, HB Patil, GB Kudal, SP Shisode
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 20-26
5 2016
A comparison of various channel estimation techniques to improve fading effects in MIMO over different fading channels

H Jain, V Nandal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET) 6 (4 …
5 2016
Importance of treating compensatory hypertrophy of inferior turbinate in cases of septal deviation causing nasal obstruction

S Sharma
J Otolaryngol ENT Res 4 (3), 00097
5 2016
Design and Development of Cost-Effective Automatic Machine for Powder Packaging

MR Saraf, VV Ruiwale, VV Kulkarni, SM Kulkarni
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 420-424
5 2016
Quality circle in organization and its implementation

S Rohilla, R Chaudhary
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6, 887-889
5 2016
Application of industrial engineering in garments industry for increasing productivity of sewing line

MA Baset, M Rahman
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (3), 1038-1041
5 2016
A review on rejuvenated techniques in biodiesel production from vegetable oils

SB Mohapatra, P Das, D Swain, S Satapathy, SR Sahu
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6, 100-111
5 2016
Influence of rice husk ash-yttrium oxide addition on the mechanical properties behavior of aluminum alloy matrix hybrid composites

A Moosa, AY Awad
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (3), 804-8120
5 2016
Design and Development of agriculture sprayer vehicle

S Kshirsagar, V Dadmal, P Umak, G Munde, PR Mahale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 405-408
5 2016
CFD analysis of centrifugal pump’s impeller of various designs and comparison of numerical results for various models

R Kaul
International Journal of Currrent Engineering and Technological (IJCET) 1 (4 …
5 2016
Utilization of Waste foundry sand as partial replacement of fine aggregate for low cost concrete

P Pandey, A Harison, V Srivastava
Inpressco 5, 3535-3538
5 2015
Design and Analysis of Intersections for Improved Traffic Flow at Bhopal-Case Studies of Jyoti Talkies Square and Vallabh Bhawan Roundabout

V Gomasta, M Malviya, A Singh, S Akhtar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (6), 3521-3524
5 2015
Self-complementary two arm archimedean spiral antenna for aircraft applications

L Baby, NR Michael
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (5), 3435-3438
5 2015
Mechanical properties of Bi2− xCdxPb0. 3Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductors

MM Abbas
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 5, 1908-1913
5 2015
Gall Bladder Perforation Leads to Liver Abscess Formation–Role of Ultrasonography

R Singal, S Gupta, RP Singal, A Mittal, S Sharma, R Khurana
J Gastrointest Dig Syst 5 (279), 2
5 2015
Experimental analysis of emission characteristics of direct injection CI engine using FOME and its diesel blends as bio-fuel

SV Bhaskar, GS Babu
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5 (3), 1718-22
5 2015
Design of Valve System using Optimization Approach

SM Muzakkir, H Hirani
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (2), 1217-1223
5 2015
Effect of powder concentration in PMEDM on surface roughness for different die steel types

MA Tawfiq, AS Hameed
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 3323-3329
5 2015
Design and Implementation of Unmanned Ground Vehicle using GSM Network

MH Pimple, RC Thool
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4
5 2015
Effect of process variables on material removal rate during finishing of Al-6061 alloy using abrasive flow machining

M Singh, S Mittal
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5, 2249-2453
5 2015
Design and Development of Experimental setup for Direct Acting Overhead Camshaft (DOHC) Valve System

SM Muzakkir
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (3), 2027-2031
5 2015
Innovative-Tribo-Design of Variable Valve Timing Mechanism: Need and Concept

SM Muzakkir, H Hirani
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (2), 1115-1125
5 2015
Comparative studies on mechanical properties of AISI 4340 high-strength alloy steel under time-quenched and austempered conditions

YM Shivaprakash, BM Gurumurthy, G Shankar, SS Sharma, AU Kini
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET) 4 (2 …
5 2015
A Contrast: VSM, JIT, and MRP-II

N Pandhi, K Singh, S Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 385-388
5 2015
Optimizing the duct shape and location for improving performance of Darrieus wind turbine

TG Abu-El-Yazied, AM Ali, AM Makady, IM Hassan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 1-8
5 2015
Enterprise Application Integration using Service Oriented Architecture with Generic Pattern

NV Patil, MC Kshirsagar, PC Jaypal
INPRESSCO International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5)
5 2014
Google glass: Taking wearable technology to the next level

K Nayak, D Kotak, H Narula
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 4 (4)
5 2014
Evaluation of voice codecs of VoIP applications for MANET

E Agrawal, KS Babula
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2599-2603
5 2014
Analysis of Perturb & Observe MPPT algorithm for PV system interfaced with Boost converter under changing climatic conditions

SM GuptaȦ, AR SaxenaȦ
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
5 2014
Performance Analysis of OFDMA in LTE

AD Farhood, N Agarwal, AK Jaiswal, N Nitin, MK Naji
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1614-1619
5 2014
A study and implementation of Active Contour Model for Feature Extraction: With Diseased Cotton Leaf as Example

PR Rothe, RV Kshirsagar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 812-816
5 2014
Some critical study of lightning impulses on electrical transmission line system

MH Rawoot, M Satarkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 217-221
5 2014
ARM based electronic notice board through zigbee with room lights control using PIR sensor

B Shajahan
5 2014
Comparative Analysis of Mobile Wimax Performance through Mobility Model using Qualnet Simulator 6.1

A Shukla, R Paulus, AK Jaiswal, M Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 700-703
5 2014
A study on the influence of Deepavali festival on noise level in Chidambaram town, Tamilnadu, India

P Balashanmugam, V Nehrukumar, AR Ramanathan, …
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 300-304
5 2014
Quadrotor model predictive flight control system

AS Imam, R Bicker
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 355-365
5 2014
Degradation of phenol by novel strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 4997 isolated from petrochemical industrial effluent

D Kotresha, GM Vidyasagar
International Journal of Microbial Resource Technology 2 (3), 7-15
5 2014
Study the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Morphology and Electrical Properties CoPc Thin Films

MT Hussein, MN Eman, K Thekra, FA Senaed
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 3263-3269
5 2014
Optimization of process parameters by Taguchi based Grey Relational Analysis

N Aggarwal, SK Sharmar
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (4), 2792-2796
5 2014
Estimation of vehicle parameters using Kalman Filter: Review

SR Burkul, PR Pawar, KR Jagtap
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (4), 2731-2735
5 2014
Total quality management in business process reengineering

A Kumar, P Tyagi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2644-2646
5 2014
Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Erosion on Impacts of Land use Land Cover Change in Phewa Watershed

KP Bhandari, R Darnsawasdi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1-8
5 2014
Investigated of ceruloplasmin activity and related elements, copper and zinc in patients with colon cancer

NH Al-Saadi, MK Al-Naqib, ZH Ali
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2112-2115
5 2014
Biocontrol potential of Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens with organic amendments against tomato wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici

S Yadav
International J. Microbial Resource Technol 2 (2), 13-17
5 2014
A survey and comparative study of different data mining techniques for implementation of intrusion detection system

TS Sawant, SA Itkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 1288-1291
5 2014
A simulation model for LFC using fuzzy PID with interconnected hydro power systems

R Kashyap, SS Sankeswari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 183-186
5 2014
Fuzzy logic-based maintenance optimisation

T Sahoo, PK Sarkar, AK Sarker
Int J Adv Ind Eng 2 (1), 1-5
5 2014
Performance evaluation of water cooler with modification of liquid suction heat exchanger

CP Waykole, HM Dange
International Journal of current Engineering and Technology 3, 226-229
5 2014
First law and second law analysis of mechanical vapour compression refrigeration system using refrigerants CFC12, R134a and R290

R Roy, BK Mandal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, special
5 2014
Effects of dyeing parameters on color strength and fastness properties of cotton knitted fabric dyed with direct dyes

AA Al Mamun, M Rahman, AH Asif, P Sarkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 1068-1072
5 2014
Hydrogeochemical indicators for radioactive waste disposal site survey to the east of Nile Delta, Egypt

FM AlShahat, MA Sadek, WM Mostafa, K Hagagg
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (2), 549-556
5 2014
Is nucleo-cytoplasmic incompatibilit y the reason of acceleration polar body extrusion

AA Mohammed
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Sci. Res 4 (1), 287-291
5 2014
Validation of unsteady thermodynamic cfd simulations of aircraft wing anti-icing operation

B Balakrishna, GP Ketha
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-2 …
5 2014
Analysis of mechanical properties of En19 steel and En41b steel used in diesel engine camshaft

NV Diwakar, C Bhagyanathan, JD Rathnaraj
Int J Curr Eng Technol, 162-167
5 2014
Influence of soil stiffness and of end support conditions of a pile in its buckling force

S Vlora, B Luljeta, S Burbuqe, S Bajram
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1)
5 2014
Evaluation of cell formation algorithms and implementation of MOD-SLC algorithm as an effective cellular manufacturing system in a manufacturing industry

V Satheeshkumar, K Karthikeyan, CJT Renald, V Jagadeesh, …
Int J Curr Eng Technol, 183-190
5 2014
Experimental investigations on board level electronic packages subjected to sinusoidal vibration loads

MI Sakri, PV Mohanram
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 2, 427-431
5 2014
An Experimental Investigation of Jatropha Biodiesel Blends in a Multi Cylinder CI Engine: Performance and Emissions Study

A Pal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5)
5 2013
Comparative Analysis of Routing Protocols in AD-HOC Network: AODV, DSDV, DSR

P Chauhan, S Vijay, P Arya
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 798
5 2013
Enablers and barriers for utilization of fly-ash in Indian cement industry

EM Haque
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 1 (1), 31-35
5 2013
Comparaison of static pushover analysis in the case of small and large deformation with time history analysis using flexibility-based model for an existing structure

M Belgasmia, S Moussaoui
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technologie 3 (2), 655-665
5 2013
Microstructure and some mechanical properties of fly ash particulate reinforced aluminum alloy composites prepared by different casting procedures with and without wetting agents

SS Sharma, SM Sharma, R Kumari
5 2013
Engine performance characteristics of diesel engine using mahua biodiesel as fuel

G Kumar, A Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology. 2013; 3 (2 …
5 2013
Optimization of association rule mining techniques using ant colony optimization

B Rani, S Aggarwal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1804-1808
5 2013
Hexavalent chromium treatment by high adsorption magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) nanoparticle

A Aftabtalab, H Sadabadi, CH Shilpa Chakra, K Venkateswara Rao
Int J of Therm Tech 3, 135-138
5 2013
System Dynamics Approach for Optimization of Process Parameters to Reduce Delamination in Drilling of GFRP Composites

BRN Murthy, LLR Rodrigues
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3 (3), 1013-1019
5 2013
Mapping Postural Severity of various manual tasks using PSVR©[Posture–State Variation Report] method

VN Karandikar, SM Sane
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, INPRESSCO
5 2013
Design and Simulation of Floating Point Pipelined ALU Using HDL and IP Core Generator

P Itagi Mahi, SS Kerur
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISSN, 2277-4106
5 2013
A compact MIMO antenna with DGS structure

P Sharmaa, T Khanb
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 780-782
5 2013
Design of high speed 128 bit AES algorithm for data encryption

MS Patil, LM Mala
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol
5 2013
An algorithmic approach for multispectral image quality assessment

BS Kullolli, VS Rajpurohit, BG Anil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 9, 209-214
5 2013
Validation of Low Cost Solid Liquid Contact Angle Instrument Using Drop Shape Image Processing Suitable For Surface Property Measurement

M Thakker, R Joshic, DO Shahd, P Shuklab
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 877-888
5 2013
Flexural behavior of RC T-section beams strengthened with different configurations of CFRP laminates

MN Salib
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (4), 418-426
5 2012
Value Stream Mapping in an Automotive Industry

N Pandhi, S Verma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (3), 313-317
5 2012
Value Stream Mapping in an Automotive Industry

NPAS Verma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
5* 2012
Voltage Sag Source Location Using Artificial Neural Network

PJ D.Justin Sunil Dhas, T.Ruban Deva Prakash
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
5 2012
Study on Designing and Development of Ornamental Products with Special Reference to the Role of CAD in it

S Sharma, Y Singh, GS Virk
Int. J. of Current Engineering and Technology 2, 443-447
5 2012
Effect of various parameters on angular distortion in welding

A Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 1, 132-136
5 2011
A Review of Hydroflorocarbons (HFC’S) Refrigerants as an Alternative to R134 a Refrigerant

SV Raskar, SV Mutalikdesai
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 6 (5), 1596-1600
5 2011
Neurilemmoma (schwannoma) of the thyroid gland: a rare case presentation

N Mangal, A Agarwal, V Sharma, S Sharma
Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 53 (4), 873-873
5 2010
Evidence based management of patients undergoing PCI. Conclusion.

JM Lasala, R Mehran, JW Moses, JJ Popma, JS Reiner, SK Sharma, …
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions: Official Journal of the …
5 2010
Effect of fruit load on seed yield and quality of okra.

N Ambreen, SK Sharma, YR Shukla
Annals of Biology 25 (2), 147-149
5 2009
Novel compounds and their use in medicine: process for their preparation and pharmaceutical compositions containing them

R Gurram, D Bhuniya, S Das, S Sharma, R Chakrabarti, J Iqbal
US Patent App. 10/575,122
5 2007
Update in management of coronary bifurcation lesions in the drug-eluting stent era.

SK Sharma
Indian Heart Journal 58 (2), 108-119
5 2006
Vegetable farming holds potential in hills: A case study of hilly region of Himachal Pradesh

A Kumar, SK Sharma, GD Vashist
Bihar Journal of Agricultural Marketing 10 (4), 355-361
5 2002
Economics of composites and reinforcements. Composite materials

S Sharma
Narosa Publishing House
5 2002
Lead sulphide-doped silica xerogel by sol-gel technique

TK Singh, SK Sharma, CL Jain
Defence Science Journal 46 (2), 105
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Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.

S Ramakrishnan, DC Sharma, V Ramakrishnan, PS Parihar, S Sharma, …
Indian Pediatrics 27 (4), 404-405
5 1990
Differential adoption of improved farm practices in relation to reference group influence.

SK Sharma, VS Potti
Indian Journal of Extension Education
5 1966
Enhancement of Power System Transient Stability Using Static Var Compensator

NM Yasina, M Al-eedanya
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology ISSN, 2277-4106
Influence of the Electromagnetic Device Aqua 4D on Water Quality and Germination of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

R Mghaiouini, A Elaouad, H Taimoury, I Sabir, F Chibi, M Hozayn, …
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 10, 19-24
4 2020
Automated self-healing of a computing process

S Sharma, RV Palem, A Agarwal
US Patent App. 15/728,771
4 2019
Analysis of tools used in friction stir welding process

A Mishra, A Tiwari, MK Shukla, AR Rose
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (6), 1519-1524
4 2018
The profile of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in natives of Western Himalayas: Hospital-based cohort study

S Sondhi, S Sharma, SS Kaushal, A Mehta, V Banayal
Journal of neurosciences in rural practice 9 (03), 305-311
4 2018
Effect of filler type on the durability of asphalt concrete mixes

AM Mohammed, AT Fadhil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (3)
4 2018
Impact of Green Roofs on Urban Living

B Patnaik, S Sekhar, E Mathewos, T Gebreyesus
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (6), 4
4 2018
Analytic Study of Box Culvert to Reduce Bending Moment and Displacement Values

VS Tanwar, MP Verma, S Jamle
Int J Curr Eng Technol 8, 762-764
4 2018
Analysis of paraffin wax as a phase change material

PVK Naidu, AM Nair
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 18 (1)
4 2018
IOT Based HealthCare Remote Monitoring and Context-aware Appointment System

CAS Gite
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (6), 2057-2061
4* 2017
Topology optimization of automotive steering knuckle using finite element analysis

SR Gore, KK Gund, PM Patane, NV Mohite, CV Chimote
Int J Curr Eng Technol 7, 230-234
4 2017
A Review on Anti-Roll Bar used in Locomotives and Vehicles

S Ramakrisna, BRH Reddy, B Akhil, BP Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (3), 838-841
4 2017
Characteristics review of optical concentrators

SAA Ameer, HAK Shahad
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 7 (1), 168-182
4 2017
Single Lap Adhesive Joint (SLAJ): A Study

S Shaikh, N Anekar, P Kanase, A Patil, S Tarate
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, 64-70
4 2017
The impact of using Polymer Impregnated Porous Concrete in Structural Engineering Applications

S Yehia, MM Fawzy
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Inpressco 7 (2)
4 2017
Layout designing using systematic layout planning for electronics division of a manufacturing facility

V Karandikar, S Sane, D Rathod, A Jaiswal, S Vispute
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (5)
4 2017
Increasing shear strength parameters of sandy soil by lining CKD

MK Fakhraldin, ZH Abdulabbas
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (2)
4 2017
Design and analysis of CBIR system using hybrid PSO and K-mean clustering methods

S Kumar, AK Shukla
Int J Curr Eng Technol 7, 397-401
4 2017
Solar energy prediction using least square linear regression method

S Dedgaonkar, V Patil, N Rathod, G Hakare, J Bhosale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (5), 1549-1552
4 2016
Evaluation of quality in hospitals of Haryana: A perspective of doctors and nurses

S Singh, Y Sharma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 1422-1430
4 2016
Simplified Way to Calculate Air-Conditioning Cooling Load in Mahendergarh (Haryana)

UK Sen, R Rana, A Punia
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (4)
4 2016
A review of heat pipe systems for heat recovery and renewable energy application

V Shelke, RJ Yadav, SB Girase
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4, 102-107
4 2016
Structural and Optical Properties of Co1-xZnxFe2O4 Synthesis by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Method

IM Abdulmajeed, LS Khalil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (3), 976-981
4 2016
A Review of Indian Approach towards Cybersecurity

O Singh, P Gupta, R Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (2), 644-648
4 2016
Analysis and topological optimization of motorcycle front wheel

H Joshi, A Powar, S Khuley, DP Yesane
Elastic 201, t43
4 2016
Finite element simulation of oil canning for automotive panel

AS Bhanage, R Jawanjal, S Bhamer, PK Ture, MC Gharti
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (6), 169-174
4 2016
Experimental investigation of boring tool vibration for improving surface finish by using passive damper

D Wadhwankar, K More, V Bajaj
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6, 162
4 2016
Optimization of Engine Parameters to Reduce NOx Emission of CIDI Engine Fueled with Fish Oil Biodiesel using Taguchi Method

SV Bhaskar, GS Babu
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 6 (2), 112-115
4 2016
Experimental study of latent heat thermal energy storage system using PCM with effect of metal configurations and nano particles

P Patil, T Dey
Int. J. of Current Engineering and Technology
4 2016
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Solar Flat Plate Collector by Using V Corrugated Fins and Various Parameters

MS Chaudhari, DB Nalawade, M Jagadale
vol 5, 119-123
4 2016
The CFD analysis of Solar Parabolic Trough system with reflectors

HP Ramchandra, SK Bhosale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 431-435
4 2016
An Algorithmic Approach for Alzheimer’s Disease detection from Non-Image Data

CR Aditya, MBS Pande
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 6 (3), 784-787
4 2016
Effect of heat treatments on fatigue failure and fracture toughness of various tool steels–a review

DN Korade, VM Dandge, KV Ramana, KR Jagtap
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 296-302
4 2016
CFD Analysis of a Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger having water flowing at three different temperatures

P Dilpak Saurabh, H Khond, MM Lele
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
4 2016
An automatic feature-based cutting tool selection approach for turning process

O Jaider, A Rechia, A El Mesbahi, H Zarkti
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5 (5), 3193-3210
4 2015
Non-DTN Geographic Unicast Routing Protocol for VANET: State of the Art

M Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (5), 3418-3425
4 2015
A Review Paper on Malayalam Text to Braille Transliteration

C Salah, AR Ram
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4)
4 2015
Percutaneous closure of a coronary artery-to-vein graft anastomotic pseudoaneurysm presenting as acute coronary syndrome after recent coronary artery bypass grafting

RJ Maybrook, S Sharma, K Gupta, M Wiley, D Parashara
Texas Heart Institute Journal 42 (3), 265-269
4 2015
Wear Resistance Enhancement of AISI D3 Tool Steels by Cryogenic Treatment

S Ather, S Sonawane
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1777-1780
4 2015
Enhancement of ECG signal by DFT using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm

JK Verma, A Kumar, AK Jaiswal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3)
4 2015
BFA optimized intelligent controller for path following unicycle robot over irregular terrains

A Almeshal, K Goher, MR Alenezi, A Almazeed, J Almatawah, M Moaz
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 1199-1204
4 2015
A comparative approach for analysis of image restoration using image deblurring techniques

P Dhole, N Chopde
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5 (2)
4 2015
Disparities in lipid control and statin drug use among diabetics with noncoronary atherosclerotic vascular disease vs those with coronary artery disease

R Thapa, S Sharma, V Jeevanantham, C Hu, T Myers, JL Vacek, B Dawn, …
Journal of Clinical Lipidology 9 (2), 241-246
4 2015
Investigation on the behaviour of alfa composite in pre and post heat treated conditions

CR Kini, YM Shivaprakash, MC Gowrishankar, SS Sharma, KVS Prasad
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 4 (02), 28-37
4 2015
Improvement of superconducting properties of (Bi, Pb)-2223 added with nano-particles SnO2

BA Aljurani, MN ALdulaimi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET) 5 (2 …
4 2015
Influence of Pin Spacer on Yarn Quality in a Ring Frame

A Razzaque, J Saha, A Asif, M Rahman
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4), 2380-2382
4 2015
Quantification of Sugar Content Loss in various Byproducts of the Sugar Industry

C Sharma, V Kumar
4 2015
An Efficient Bm Strain JCT13 producing Nano-Phosphorus Particles from Phytin and Solubilizing Phosphates

I Rathore, M Sen, AD Gharu, JC Tarafdar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (6), 3872-3878
4 2015
Gas flow rate effect on the nonlinear optical properties of Ag/PMMA nanocomposite thin films prepared by aerosol assisted dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet polymerization

HR Humud, A Kadhim, L Abd Al Kareem
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (5)
4 2015
Investigate the relation among thickness, relative porosity and air permeability of different types of knitted fabrics

S Rahman, SA Smriti, MSF Siddiqa
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (6), 3907-3910
4 2015
Experimental Investigations on Effect of Tungsten Disulphide (WS2) on Wear Performance of Commercial Lubricant under Mixed Lubrication Conditions

SM Muzakkir
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (2), 2014-2016
4 2015
A study of microstructures characteristics of A356-Al2O3 composites produced by cooling slope and conventional stir cast

AA Abdelsalam, TS Mahmoud, AA El-Betar, AM El-Assal
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 15, 3560-3571
4 2015
Studies on control aspects of active magnetic bearings

SM Muzakkir, KP Lijesh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4)
4 2015
Energy efficiency in wireless sensor network

N Rani, P Singh, Z Khanam
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (4), 2795-2799
4 2015
Gauging the properties of CRMB 60 in mix design with Zycotherm as warm mix additive

RR Prajapati, HP Chotalia, SI Vahora, AD Patel, CB Mishra
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1612-1617
4 2015
Analysis of two-phase flow in the capillary wick structure of flat heat pipe with different orientation

R Hari, T Jolly, C Muraleedharan
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 5 (1), 63-69
4 2015
Studies on biodegradability, morphology, physicomechanical and thermal properties of PP/potato starch bio-composite

SB Roy, SC Shit, RA Sengupta, PR Shukla
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 1074-1084
4 2015
Centralized E-Book Storage using Cloud

D Gawas, J Ramakrishnan, D Joshi, N Khochare
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 840-842
4 2015
Automated Examination Support System

BR Avinash, DV Vijaykumar, MP Rajeev, PV V
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
4 2015
Fly Ash as an Alternative Energy Efficient Building Material for Cement

S Mutkekar, S Patil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 2347-5161
4 2015
Static & free vibration analysis of an isotropic and orthotropic thin plate using finite element analysis (FEA)

EN Abbas, MQ Abdullah, HR Wasmi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 462-468
4 2015
Research on conversion of DICOM multi-frame medical image in to multimedia format using MATLAB

P Patil, SV Patil, DD Chaudhari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 156-160
4 2015
Impact testing of new athletic prosthetic foot

MJ Jweeg, SS Hassan, AS Hamid
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5, 121-127
4 2015
Quality circle implementation in industry in India-a case study

N Kumar, V Mittal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 2,277-4
4 2015
Effect of saw dust wood on some mechanical properties of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET)

I Ajaj, M Obaidi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 20-26
4 2015
The effect of cyclo-alkane additives in waste cooking oil B20 fuel on a single cylinder DI diesel engine

G Varghese, P Mohanan, N Naik
International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing 3 (1), 44-48
4 2015
Improvement the strength of inorganic clayey soil using cement additive

NA Patel, CB Mishra
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 4266-4269
4 2014
Literature Review on Hole Detection and Healing in Wireless Sensor Network

SN Kalwaghe, AV Dusane
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 4184-4188
4 2014
LED Power Driving Circuit for Street Light Application

AD Gajbhare, SS Mopari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology IJCET 4 (6 …
4 2014
Spatial Domain Base Image Watermarking By Edge Features

A Rajpoot, R Batham, N Chourasia
IJCSEC-International Journal Of Computer Science And Engineering …
4 2014
Challenges, limitation and security issues on mobile computing

N Dhingra
International journal of current engineering and technology 4, 3459-3462
4 2014
Web-based Image Search using Image Re-Ranking Technique: A Review Paper

H Jain, R Lodha, K Deulkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5), 3300-3303
4 2014
Human face recognition and face detection using skin colour model

C Singh, S Singh, P Baheti
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4)
4 2014
An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for maximizing the lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

SU Parvatkar, DV Gore
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3)
4 2014
Implementation of CPLD based receiver of telemetry device for maternal-fetal monitoring

P Nagaraju, M Ramasamy, S Noushad
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3)
4 2014
Face Recognition using Neural Network & Principal Component Analysis

GV Linge, MM Pawar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 2006-2009
4 2014
Security System for Car using RFID, Thumb Impression, Steering wheel Lock Based on ARM 7

S Gaikwad, C Maheshwari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1-4
4 2014
Noise Reduction: A Comparative Study of Different Filters

R Gupta, N Mittal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1686-1689
4 2014
Performance comparison of distance and density based clustering algorithm (ddcsa) v/s normal technique to analyze power consumption and network lifetime of wireless sensor networks

N Sharma, M Rani, A Nayyar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 1503-1507
4 2014
Steganography approach of weighted speech analysis with and without vector quantization using variation in weight factor

NA Malhotra, N Tahilramani
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (3), 1334-1336
4 2014
Artificial neural network and ANFIS based short term load forecasting in real time electrical load environment

JP Rothe, AK Wadhwani, S Wadhwani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1939-1944
4 2014
CFD analysis for production of carbon nanotubes

KA Pathan
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology [IJCET], 165-169
4 2014
Comparison of quarter car model of active pneumatic suspensions using mass flow control for a small car

S Razdan, S Bhave, P Awasare
International Journal of Control Engineering and Technology, 597-601
4 2014
Role of Distributed Generation in Voltage Stability Enhancement

I Kumaraswamy, B VenkataPrasanth, S Tarakalyani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 60-64
4 2014
Assessment on particulate pollution in Sindri after closure of Sindri unit of fertilizer Corporation of India/(FCI)

AK Singh, SP Singh, G Kumar, B Deo
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 376-383
4 2014
Performance Analysis of Polycrystalline Silicon PV Modules on the basis of Indoor and Outdoor Conditions

R Siddiqui, R Kumar, GK Jha, U Bajpai
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 340-349
4 2014
Evaluation of Seismic Behavior for Multistoried RC Moment Resisting Frame with Open First Storey

S Singh, S Akhtar, G Batham
International journal of current engineering and technology 4 (1)
4 2014
Smart SCADA and automation system in power plants

P Desai, S Mahale, P Desai, S Karamchnadani
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol
4 2014
Acquisition of EMG signals to recognize multiple hand gestures for prosthesis robotic hand-a review

SA Raurale
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4, 65-70
4 2014
Smoke detection using local binary pattern

DA Agrawal, P Mishra
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4 (6), 4052-4056
4 2014
Flexible electronic skin

M Thakur, R Dofe, S Jadhav
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 6, 4041-4046
4 2014
Design and analysis of molybdenum super alloy FSW tools

GA Hussain, ACRK Yadav, J Vamshidhar
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4, 4075-4080
4 2014
PSO based PID Controller Design for a Liquid Flow Process

P Aravind, S Ramachandran, M Saranya
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6)
4 2014
Detection of Fault in Gear Box System using Vibration Analysis Method

LS Dhamande, AC Pawar, VJ Suryawanshi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
4 2014
Analysis of MRI enhancement techniques for contrast improvement and denoising

SJ Mathen, A George
Int J Curr Eng Technol 4, 3853-3860
4 2014
Synthesis and characterization of SnO2 nanoparticles UV-photoconductive detector

A Suhail, AN Naje, GS Muhammed, AS Norry
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 3610-3613
4 2014
Impacts of postural stress and assembling task workload interactions on individual performance by Saudis

AM Basahel
International Journal of Current Engineering & Technology 4, 3359-3369
4 2014
Motor vehicle exhaust emissions in Delhi

M Jain, S Mohan, A Pal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2693-2696
4 2014
Chromosomally encoded phenol hydroxylase gene for degradation of phenol by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 4996

D Kotresha, GM Vidyasagar
Int J Micro Res Tech 2 (2), 1-7
4 2014
Experimental studies on municipal wastewater recycling and water conservation in cotton textile wet processing

NP Sonaje, MB Chougule
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 1862-1869
4 2014
Renewable energy resources in Benue State–Nigeria: Estimation and mapping of solar energy potentials

BT Abur, GA Duvuna
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1406-1411
4 2014
Performance modeling and availability simulation of a malt mill system of brewery industry

A Kumar, RK Garg, PC Tiwari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1452-1459
4 2014
Effects of organic amendments by composts and manure on pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under greenhouse

N Turk, KKK Fallah
Sch. J. Agric. Sci 4 (5), 253-259
4 2014
A Data Mining Perspective in Privacy Preserving Data Mining Systems

SA Kumaraswamy, SH Manjula, KR Venugopal, LM Patnaik
International Journal Of Current Engineering And Technology India 4 (2)
4 2014
Process parameter optimization for maximum material removal rate in high speed electro-discharge machining

K Mausam, M Tiwari, K Sharma, RP Singh
International symposium on engineering and technology, 9-10
4 2014
Multi-objective Optimization of Wire Electric Discharge Machining of EN31 Tool Steel using Orthogonal array with Principal Component Analysis

R Kumar, A Bhatia, S Chattopadhyaya, S Kumar, GK Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 1027-1033
4 2014
Face recognition based on SVM and GABOR filter

S Bhirud, V Gohokar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
4 2014
Thermal Analysis of Automotive Brake Rotor

KA Shelar, SB Barve, MR Chopade, PE Chaudhari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology Special Issue-3 …
4 2014
Optimization of process parameters for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of AA1100 Aluminium Alloy

V Gautam
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 4 (2), 788-792
4 2014
Study of surface integrity characteristics on Al and die steel components using copper tool in sink EDM process

K Kiran, G Reddy, A Prasad, R Rajendra
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-2 …
4 2014
Managing and analyzing manufacturing defects–a case of refrigerator liner manufacturing

B Chowdhury, SK Deb, PC Das
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (1), 54-61
4 2014
Modeling and estimation of grinding forces for mono layer CBN grinding wheel

CK Sagar, B Pal
Int J Curr Eng Technol 1 (2), 78-87
4 2014
Experimental investigations of EDM to optimize surface roughness of titanium alloy (Ti-6AL-4V) through Taguchi’s technique of design of experiments

SK Singh, N Kumar, A Kuma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 84-87
4 2014
Micromechanical analysis of effect of interphase on mechanical properties of kevlar fiber reinforced epoxy composites

S Bhaskara, R Devireddy, S Biswas
Int. J. Current Eng. and Technol 2, 115-120
4 2014
Establishing Effective Guidelines to avoid Failure and Reducing Risk in E-Business

AH Mohammad, S Ghwanmeh, A Al-Ibrahim
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 28-31
4 2014
Structural features of copper doped heavy metal oxide based glasses

T Satyanarayana, KS Rao, G Srinivas, V Prasanthi, SVP Vattikuti, …
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 2, 317-319
4 2014
Parametric investigation of the combined effect of gear parameters on tangential force and dynamic tooth load of 40 Ni2 Cr1 Mo 28 steel helical gear

B Venkatesh, SVP Vattikuti, SD Prasad, V Kamala, AMK Prasad
Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India
4 2014
Morphometric Properties of Bulkana (Naft Khanah) North-East Iraq from Topographic Maps

MA Hassan, AA Selman, AA Ghani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 45-51
4 2014
A CFD Investigation into the Flow Distribution on a Car passing by a Truck

K Pasala, B Aȧ, HJ Rao, KS Reddy, TS Naidu
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
4 2014
Grey Relational Analysis Coupled with Principal Component Analysis for Optimization Design of the Machining Parameters in Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding

GK SinghȦ, NK ChauhanḂ, R KumarĊ, V YadavaḊ
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
4 2014
Effect of tool geometry on mechanical and micro-structural properties of friction stir welding of Al-alloy

B Parida, MM Mohapatra, P Biswas
Int J Curr Eng Technol, Special 2, 88-92
4 2014
Experimental investigation and development of multi response ANN modeling in turning Al-SiCp MMC using polycrystalline diamond tool

S Tamang, M Chandrasekaran
Int J Curr Eng Technol 2, 1-8
4 2014
Comparison of Elastic Modulus of MWCNT Polyethylene Composites using Nanoindentation and Macromechanical Analysis

PR Sreekanth, A Priyedarshi, NN Kumar
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 2, 320-324
4 2014
Performance Analysis of Different Voice CODECs in Integrated VANET-UMTS Wireless Network by using H. 323

K Gurung, HM Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1750-1755
4 2013
Light scattering from a cluster consists of layered axisymmetric objects

HLS Ibrahim, EEM Khaled
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3, 1299-306
4 2013
Effect of tool pin profile on mechanical properties of single and double sided friction stir welded aluminium alloy AA19000 [J]

International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1338-1341
4 2013
Evaluation of Static and Buckling load carrying capability of the Wing box through FEM approach

P Harakare, VK Heblikar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 6-9
4 2013
The significance of geotextile in unpaved roads with special reference to stress analysis

A Dewangan, DP Gupta, RK Bakshi, RK Manchiryal
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (1), 168-178
4 2013
Magnetic property of Zn0. 8CO0. 2O diluted magnetic semiconductors by auto combustion method

M Ahmadipour, M Hatami, H Sadabadi
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3 (1), 85
4 2013
Foot and head anthropometry of 18-30 years old Nigerian polytechnic students

SN Onuoha, MC Okafor, O Oduma
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (2), 352-335
4 2013
Negative effects of heavy metals in medicinal plants

A Dreshaj, N Hidajete, H Muzlijaj, F Fekaj, I Beqiraj
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 3 (3), 60-62
4 2013
Experimental Study of the Effect of the Build Direction on the Compressive Strength of Components made of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Method and a Three-Dimensional Printer

A Asaa, S Abazaryb, A Masomia
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 81-84
4 2013
Obstacle detection sensors: A survey

S Lalar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 2138-2142
4 2013
Thermodynamic analysis of 120 MW thermal power plant by designed computer aided software for different inlet temperature conditions and generate correction curves

A Geete, AI Khandwawala
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 3 (1), 20-22
4 2013
Prevalence of Sarcoptes scabiei var. caprae in goats of Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan

F Aziz, Z Tasawar, MH Lashari
Int J Curr Eng Technol 3, 1327-9
4 2013
Optimization of conditions for production of bioactive peptides showing antimicrobial effect on bacterial pathogens during fermentation of bovine milk with Lactic Acid Bacteria

G Bhardwaj, B Singh
Int. J. Cell Sci. Biotecnol 2, 11-14
4 2013
Cryobiological effects of cryoprotectants on morphology of cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) of sheep using vitrification

S Kumar, SK Gautam, SK Gahlawat
Int J Anim Biotechnol 3, 14-18
4 2013
Various techniques used for segmentation of CT image of lungs

P Aggarwal, A Bhardwaj, R Kumar
International journal of current engineering and technology
4 2013
Cryobiological effects of cryoprotectants on morphology of cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) of sheep using vitrification

S Kumar, SK Gautam, SK Gahlawat
Int J Anim Biotechnol 3, 14-18
4 2013
Ambient air quality of Aligarh city (UP, India) at Diwali

SU Khan, N Ali
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1730-1732
4 2013
Adsorption of heavy metals from aqueous solution using agricultural wastes

WA Abdulnabi, YR Abdulmajeed, HJ Hadi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technoogy 3 (4), 1467-1472
4 2013
Cost performance of thin film and crystalline photovoltaic cells–a comparative study

A Sahaya, VK Sethia, AC Tiwarib
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3)
4 2013
Performance prediction of multi-phase induction motor

P Kumar, KB Yadav
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 1756-1762
4 2013
A secure approach to image encryption of color image without using key

VS Patil, R Udupi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
4 2013
Induction motor bearing fault detection under transient conditions

MM Ibrahim, HJ Nekad
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (4), 1287-1292
4 2013
Effect of distillery spent wash on macronutrients of vermicompost

PA Hukkeri, PM Munnoli, RB Gadag
Int. J. Current Eng. Technol. Vol, 54-56
4 2013
Design and Simulation of Handwritten Text Recognition System

A Desai, N Bhavikatti, R Patil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 1, 259-262
4 2013
Assessment of particle number concentration in different transportation modes along a route in Delhi

P Kumar, NC Gupta
Int J Web Eng 3, 1072-1077
4 2013
Colonization behaviour of Gluconoacetobacter diazotrophicus in root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) infected and healthy cotton plants

N Chawla, R Anand, N Narula
Int. J. Microb. Resour. Technol 2, 24-35
4 2013
Critical issues of women entrepreneurship with special reference to specific business units in North Karnataka

BV Sunagar, M Jigalur
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 59-64
4 2013
Effect of beryllium and lithium addition on physical and mechanical properties of machinable glass ceramic materials

AR Hassan
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 3, 1600-1605
4 2013
Production and tribological characteristics of heat treated AA2024-fly ash composite

YM Shivaprakash, KV Sreenivasa Prasad, Y Basavaraj
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3 (3), 1029-1041
4 2013
Cardiac catheterization and complications: initial experience

L Dubey, SK Sharma
Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal 8 (2), 1-6
4 2012
Numerical Modeling of Dilute Particulate Flows in Horizontal and Vertical pipes

SJABP Pandaba Patro
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
4 2012
Implementation of Medical Image Enhancement Technique using Gabor Filter

SVKPP Shrivastava
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (ijcet,Vol.2 …
4 2012
Implementation of medical image enhancement technique using Gabor filter

SVK Patela, P Shrivastavab
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 2 (2), 251-5
4 2012
Study of shell cracking behavior and its remedies in investment casting process using quick cast rapid prototype polymer patterns

A Sharma, M Acharya, A Agarwal, SC Sharma, K Sreekumar, PP Sinha
Materials Science Forum 710, 214-219
4 2012
Local adaption in life history traits of Drosophila melanogaster in extreme conditions of humidity

A Ahuja, RS Tanwar, PK Tyagi, V Sarsar, M Paudwal, P Kumar
International Journal of Animal Biotechnology 2 (1), 1-5
4 2012
The Limited contact dynamic compression plate fixation in acute diaphyseal factures of the radius and ulna-A prospective study

S Singh, SH Rawa, N Muzaffar, M Musa, MM Wani, S Sharma
The internet Journal of orthopaedic Surgery 17 (2)
4 2010
Novel Isoxazole Compounds Having Ppar Agonist Activity

G Madhavan, J Iqbal, D Bhuniya, S Das, S Sharma, R Chakrabarti
US Patent App. 11/577,031
4 2008
Reliability of echocardiographic estimation of angiographic minimal ductal diameter. Poster presentation at the 30th Annual Scientific Session of Society for Cardiac …

U Subramaniam, RK Hamzeh, SK Sharma, PS Rao
Catheter. Cardiovasc. Interv 69, S87
4 2007
Metastasis–an unusual cause of retroperitoneal fibrosis.

A Sadhu, S Sen, S Seal, SK Sharma
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Mathematical Model for Definition of Thermal Conditions in Desublimation Process of Volatile Metal Fluorides, Int

AAS Abed
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4 2006
Histological evidence for atherosclerotic neovascularization as a pathway for macrophage infiltration in diabetes mellitus

KR Purushothaman, PR Moreno, WN O’Connor, AS Kini, SK Sharma, …
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Reaction of poplar germplasm to Cladosporium leaf spot

RC Sharma, S Sharma
Indian Forester 127 (2), 160-162
4 2001
Debulking prior to stenting: long term clinical and angiographic results from the SPORT trial

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Randomized trial of rotational atherectomy vs balloon angioplasty for diffuse in-stent restenosis (ROSTER): final results

SK Sharma
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Effect of pesticides and packaging material on bruchid control and viability of mungbean (Vigna aureus Roxb.) seeds.

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The BOAT investigators. Final results in the balloon vs optimal atherectomy trial (BOAT): 6 month angiography and 1 year clinical follow-up

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Agricultural Productivity and Density of Rural Population in Madhya Pradesh: A Correlation

SK Sharma
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4 1980
Fatigue behavior and fracture mechanism of a hot rolled AA7020 aluminum alloy

A Thakur
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3, 401-404
3 2019
Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure of ST 37-2 rear trailing arm

A Thakur, G Aregawi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 9 (1), 80-91
3 2019
Social housing between theory and implementation comparative analytical study

A Al Qattan
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 9 (6), 800-809
3 2019
Optimization of Energy Content of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) Using Modelling Approach

B Kareem, DD Babatunde
International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering 6, 111-117
3 2018
Design and Economic Evaluation of the ESP and Gas Lift on the Dead Oil Well

IA Hullio, SA Jokhio, KR Memon, S Nawab, KJ Baloch
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (6), 1-6
3 2018
Study of Traffic Volume and its Safety Measurement at Dadabari Circle, Career Point University, Kota

RP Singh, H Tekwani, B Joshi, P Sudhakaran, J Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (1), 72-74
3 2018
Mechanical and microstructure properties analysis of friction stir welded similar and dissimilar Mg alloy joints

A Mishra, AD Gupta, AK Sharma, G Nidigonda
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 8
3 2018
Comparative enactment of fluorocarbon-free and fluorocarbon-based water repellent finishes on cotton single jersey fabrics

KP Chowdhury, S Chowdhury, MA Hosain, A Al Mamun, N Alahi, …
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8, 1-7
3 2018
Additive Manufacturing: A next gen fabrication

P Subhedar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (1), 75-78
3 2018
Removal of RY42 anionic dye pollutant from aqueous solution using novel reusable adsorbent prepared from water chestnut peel and fruit

M Yousaf, M Ahmad, BI Ahmad, A Nasir
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology. Available at …
3 2018
Performance evaluation for the proposed upgrade of a wastewater treatment plant using ASM2d application

M Ayoub
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (5), 1303-1309
3 2018
Model-based design of piezoelectric patches used to repair damaged beams under static load

WA Ashtari, AR Kareem
Int J Curr Eng Technol, 23113-23119
3 2018
Performance evaluation and effectiveness of different natural bio-adsorbents for wastewater treatment

TK Dey, MD Hasan, S Paul, MB Islam, Y Akanda
Int. J. Current Eng. Technol 8, 2347-5161
3 2018
Role of mercerizing condition on physical and dyeing properties of cotton knit fabric dyed with reactive dyes

S Brahma, MR Islam, RB Dina
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 8, 1052-1057
3 2018
Nonlinear Optical Properties of deoxyribonucleic acid DNA doped Rhodamine B/PVA films using Z-scan technique

AH AL-Hamadani, M Abdulredha, N Al-Ansari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7, 1802-1804
3 2017
Red Mud, the Cutting Edge of Self Compacting Cement Concrete

S Nayak, SP Mishra, S Panda
3 2017
Comparison of combustion characteristics of Petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility

J Jaygopal, KG Palappan, M Rajavel, PS Guruchandran, S Suresh
Int. J. Therm. Technol. 7 (2), 100-106
3 2017
Significant deep wave height prediction by using support vector machine approach (Alexandria as case of study)

T Elgohary, A Mubasher, H Salah
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Tech 7, 135-143
3 2017
The Modeling and Effect of FEM on Prosthetic limb

H Saad, MQ Abdullah, HR Wasmi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (3), 892-895
3 2017
Evaluation of the effects of anti-stripping materials on the performance of cold bitumen emulsion mixtures (CBEMs)

HH Joni, MS Hashim
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 7 (5), 1770-1776
3 2017
Impact of Card Production Rate on the Quality of Ring Yarn

M Rokonuzzaman, AJ Uddin, MAB Siddiquee, MA Al Mamun, AKMAH Asif
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (1), 144-147
3 2017
Experimental Investigation of Two Stages Adsorption Chiller with Four Generators Utilizing Activated Carbon and Methanol as Working Pair

AA Al-Maaitah, FM Hadi
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 7, 43-54
3 2017
Energy Efficiency in residential buildings in Egypt with special reference to windows

AS Algendy, MF Anbar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 7 (1), 126-134
3 2017
Mooring System for very large ships at berth

A Kudale, SV Vidula, KS Sadhana
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 163-171
3 2016
Survey on Several Secure Data Aggregation Schemes in WSN

M Youssef, R Yadav
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 1154-1159
3 2016
Design of Wet Leak Test Machine for Radiators: A Study

D Dabholkar, D Shenvi, N Anekar, O Joshi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
3 2016
A Review on Enhancement of Refrigeration Effect of Vortex Tube

A Adana, PM Khanwalkar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
3 2016
Value stream mapping: a case study of an assembly line in an automotive industry

M Gaikwad, D Shevade, BP Krishna
International Journal of Current Engineering and technology 4
3 2016
A physics based model for estimation of EGR mass flow rate

PM Patane, S Powar, S Deshmukh
3 2016
Vibration response and Optimization of Swing arm through Hardening

VS Dixit, MR Nukulwar, ST Shinde, SS Pimpale
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET) 6 (2 …
3 2016
A review on design and development of filament winding machine for composite materials

D Tele, N Wakhare, R Bhosale, P Bharde, S Nerkar
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 6, 74-77
3 2016
An ABC analysis of multiple component of compressor unit—Inventory Management Case Study

S Kumar, S Kumar Singh
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 6, 1458-1463
3 2016
Automated Malaria Parasitemia Estimation from Thin Blood Smear Images

AN Rakhonde, DPB Patil
published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 …
3 2016
Design and performance evaluation of a Pyrolysis Reactor for vegetable biomass conversion to usable energy

T Godjo, F Lanmantchion
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (5), 1865-68
3 2016
Performance evaluation of CI engine using Castor oil: a review

A Attar, P Bakoriya, A Gadakh, N Jadhav
Int J Current Eng Technol 6 (6), 5-7
3 2016
Thermal and hydraulic performance analysis of cylindrical pin fin heat sink with conical perforations

VV Dhole, VS Shinde, SS Kore
vol 5, 436-440
3 2016
Thermal-hydraulic performance of elliptic shape staggered tube cross flow heat exchanger at 45 angle of attack

SD Chavhan, RS Jha, NS Gohel
Int Eng Res J (IERJ) Special Issue, 725-729
3 2016
Design, Optimization and Performance Analysis of Condenser for HVAC Automobile System for R-290

PA Ladke, CS Choudhari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology. Available at …
3 2016
Review of various Aspects of using Centrifugal Pump in Turbine Modefor Small Hydro Power Generation

BS Solanki, AC Tiwari
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 3
3 2016
Application of hybrid meta heuristic algorithm for OLSR protocol optimization in VANET

R Gautami, RR Sedamkar, H Patil
Int J Curr Eng Technol 6 (3), 755-759
3 2016
Assessment of vapour chamber heat spreader implementation for avionic module thermal management

A Jones, R Chen, A Murray
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 6 (2), 103-111
3 2016
Correlations for heat transfer coefficients and wall-temperatures for laminar and turbulent free convection from plane vertical surfaces to supercritical fluids

TR Seetharama, KN Seetharamu, GK Sharma
3 2016
Performance and emission characteristics of waste cooking oil as biodiesel in CI Engine

JS Bali, C Sankanna
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 38-42
3 2016
Review paper on Design and Development of Muffler to Optimize Transmission Losses

SG Thorat, BS Kothavale, SS Hatwalane, D Bhaskar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-4
3 2016
Heat Transfer characteristics of ventilated disc brake rotor with diamond pillars–a review

GB Kudal, MR Chopade
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4, 219-222
3 2016
Eutectic: Phase Change Material for Food Storage

C Salgaonkar, R Kulkarni, D Kulkarni
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol
3 2016
Effect of Chemical Concentration on the Pretreatment Performance of Cotton Woven Fabric

MR Islam, FI Farhaϯ
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (1), 413-416
3 2016
Timetabling of Rail Commuter Services using Constraint Logic Programming

HS Terivedi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2347-5161
3 2016
Survey of Mobile IP Protocols

YA Amgahd, R Yadav
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 6 (1)
3 2016
Visual Cryptography for Providing Privacy to Biometric Data

S Varpe, P Irabashetti
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
3 2016
Investigation of Automation strategy and its effect on Assembly cost: A case study on Power Switch Assembly

G Parmar, S Sheth
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET) 5 (6 …
3 2015
Black hole detection using Watchdog

A Augustine, M James
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5 (04), 1-4
3 2015
Effect of transmitter pointing error angle on inter satellite communication

S Rathore, D Rathore
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 1939-1941
3 2015
Intelligent and Adaptive Headlight with Electronic Controlled Power Steering System (IAEPS)

H Mohite, B Mahangade, M Gholase, S Kattgihalimath, S Kumbhar
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on International Journal of Current …
3 2015
Cloud Mirroring: A Technique of Data Recovery

SU Vishwakarma, PD Soni
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (2)
3 2015
Simulation study of UPQC and active power filters for a Non-Linear Load

GK Malla, A Ramulu
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5 (1), 375-384
3 2015
Review on fake iris detection method using image quality assessment

JV Gaud, SU Bohra
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1)
3 2015
Pseudomonas aeruginosa; antibiotics susceptibility among patients of nosocomial infection in Hillah city, Iraq

IAAS ALmaamory, IA Ibraheam, H whab Azize
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5 (3)
3 2015
Assessment of nutritional status in pre-school children in Teetardi village near Geetanjali hospital, Udaipur (Rajasthan).

SK Sharma, HN Mathur, DL Kumar
3 2015
Prediction of specific wear rate of glass and bronze filled PTFE composites

P Patil, ER Deore
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (6), 3901-3906
3 2015
Heat treatment of mill-hardened beryllium copper for space applications

M Mankani, SS Sharma
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 3 (4), 147-150
3 2015
Performances of Multi-Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System and Artificial Neural Network Models for Dielectric Properties of Oil Palm Fruitlets

OO Adedayo, A Kolapo, A Adedayo
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (3), 2187-2192
3 2015
Characteristics Evaluation of Normalized and Conventionally Hardened AISI 4340 steel

BM Gurumurthy, AA Murthy, J Hindi, SS Sharma, AU Kini
3 2015
Measuring tradeoffs between performance and qos in event based systems

G Singh, A Singh
3 2015
Softcomputing techniques for improved electroencephalogram signal analysis

OO Adedayo, F Oladipo, C Ijeh-Ogboi
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5 (3), 2181-2186
3 2015
Optimization of Surface Roughness and Improving Profile Accuracy in SPIF (Single Point In-cremental Forming) Process

R Thakur, N Kumar
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol 5, 2048-2052
3 2015
Preprocessing step–review of key frame extraction techniques for object detection in video

A Makandar, D Mulimani, M Jeevor
Int J Curr Eng Technol 5 (3), 2036-2039
3 2015
Probabilistic Design of Spur Gear

KP Lijesh, H Hirani
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
3 2015
Performance of Organic overloaded WWTP comprise primary followed by secondary attached growth biological treatment-case study

OHI Aly, SA Daif
Corpus ID 212480171
3 2015
Comparison of Local Area Network Technologies: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), ATM and WLAN/WiFi (IEEE 802.11 g)

A Jasper
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 503-506
3 2015
Comprehensive study on performance analysis of various CAPTCHA systems

PC Tayade, MM Bartere
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 15
3 2015
NDVI sensibility to rainfall spatial distribution in Adjohoun (Benin, west Africa)

SE Brice, H Constant, B Michel
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 269-273
3 2015
Ayurvedic synthesis of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles and its Characterization

T Pavani, K Venkateswara Rao, CS Chakra, YT Prabhu
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 321-324
3 2015
Determine the optical turbulence parameter (Cn2) in Babylon City-Iraq

JM Jassim, RNAHH Khribet
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 5-1
3 2015
A Literature Survey on Power Factor Correction using EMI Filter and Boost Converter

A Dubey, V Vachak
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (4), 2380-2386
3 2014
Design and Analysis of E-Patch Micro-strip Antenna for S-band

K Jaiswal, M Kumar, AK Jaiswal, A Kumar, R Saxena
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1741-1744
3 2014
Data Security in Cloud Computing

KS Wagh, S Chaudhari, A Deshmukh, P Khandave
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3)
3 2014
A game theory based model for cooperative spectrum sharing in cognitive radio

SK Shah, KR Parmar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3)
3 2014
Design of Coder Architecture for Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Encoder

M Roy, N Kirthika
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (3), 1200-1205
3 2014
Rectangular microstrip patch antenna design using IE3D simulator

P Singhal, K Jaimini
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2)
3 2014
Design of VHDL based Multi-Directional Sobel Edge Detection Processor

RR Gaulkar, SR Dixit, AY Deshmukh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 745-748
3 2014
Characteristic study for low melting point MMC using stir casting technique

K Jagannath, S Sharma, N Mohan, A Kini, P Prabhu
World Journal of Engineering 10 (6), 529-534
3 2014
Simulation of H. 264 based real time video encoder for underwater acoustic channel

B Uma, K Geetha, S Prasanna Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 1715-1718
3 2014
Feature Based Sentiment Analysis for Online Reviews in Car Domain

A Sankhe, P Gharpure
Computer Department, Mumbai University, SPIT, India, International Journal …
3 2014
Exergy Analysis of the Turbine for a Reheat Regenerative 210 MW Fossil-Fuel based Power Plants in India

SS Pratap, VD Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 160-164
3 2014
Implementation of a Novel Technique for a Secure Route by Detection of Multiple Blackhole Nodes in Manet

M Sharma, D Singh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
3 2014
Design and Analysis of Anti-vibration mount for G+ 3 Elevator

PS Bharat, SB Barve, SG Thorat, SS Mujumdar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISSN, 2277-4106
3 2014
Fabrication of PANI by electropolymerization method on SnO2 conductive glass as counter electrode for dye sensitive solar cell

WR Saleh, AM Ali, TAA Hassan, AA Assi, SM Hassan
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 4 (December (6))
3 2014
Fusion of Geometrical and Statistical Techniques for Human Ear Recognition

A Agarwal, M Singhal, N Sehgal, S Sharma
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4 (1 …
3 2014
Multivariate Analysis of Phenotypic Diversity of Rice germplasm in North-West India.

SK Sharma, J Singh, MS Chauhan, SL Krishnamurthy
3 2014
Isolation, Culturing and cryopreservation of putative granulosa stem cells from buffalo ovaries

S Subramanian, A Raj, R Kumar, SK Rana, AK Jha, S Gautam
Int. J. Cell Sci. Biotechnol 4, 20-25
3 2014
Numerical Heat Transfer Study of Turbulent Square Duct Flow through W-Type Turbulators

SS Desai, RJ Yadav, OR Chavan
International Journal of Thermal Technologies 4 (4), 320-324
3 2014
Optimization of machining parameter for turning of EN 16 steel

H Sing, S Sing, S kumar Shrma
international journal of engineering and technology E-ISSN, 2277-4106
3 2014
Effect of enzyme wash (cellulase enzyme) on properties of different weft knitted fabrics

H Rahman, PK Biswas, BK Mitra, MSR Rakesh
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (6), 4242-4246
3 2014
A Basic Approach to Six Sigma in SMEs to improve Production, Quality & Management System

R Singh, S Kumar
International Journal of Current Engineering and Techology 4 (6), 4238-4241
3 2014
Enhanced hydrogen sensing parameters of MWCNT-SnO2 thin film

SI Hasan, AN Naje, QG Al-zaidi
Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. 4, 4108-4113
3 2014
Query optimization in distributed database: a review

YRM Umar, AR Welekar
Query Optimization in Distributed Database: A
3 2014
Design & Manufacturing of a Simple Catapult

K Khera, A Bhatia, S Kumar, S Mahawal
Inpressco. com. October 31
3 2014
An optimized approach for feature selection using membrane computing to classify web pages

P Kaur, R Kaur
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 4 (5)
3 2014
Laser Welding for Dissimilar Metals Stainless Steel AISI 304H, to Low Carbon Steel DIN St33, by Nd: YAG Laser

JM Salman, KM Abed
3 2014
Rim Stress Analysis of Epicyclic Gearbox

M Kalyanshetti, S Wadkar, S Patil
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, August 2014
3 2014
A comparative study of existing exemplar based region filling algorithms

M Banday, A Sharma
Int J Current Eng Technol 4 (5), 3532-3539
3 2014
Design of Commutative Cryptography Core with Key Generation for Distributed FPGA Architecture

R Ambika
3 2014
Optimizing the parameters influence the performance of wire cut EDM machining

A Biloria, R Singh
International Journal of current Engineering and Technology 4 (5)
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