Full-Scale Well Instrumented Large Diameter Bored Pile Load Test in Multi Layered Soil: A Case Study of Damietta Port New Grain Silos Project
Pages : 85-98; DOI:https://doi.org/10.14741/ijcet.v8i01.10895
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A Large diameter bored pile with diameter of 1.00 m and length of 34.00 m has been implemented in multi layered soil. The pile was tested under three axially loading and unloading cycles, in order to determine the load settlement curve and assess the ultimate pile capacity. Extensive investigation was carried out to obtain reliable soil properties at the examined pile location, through in situ and laboratory soil tests. Twelve strain gauges were fixed on pile steel reinforcement bars at top of each soil layer level. Moreover, four dial gauges were set up at pile head. Also, three tell-tales were extended to three different levels inside the pile. The pile load test field measurements are presented in the form of load settlement and load distribution curves for different loading steps. In addition, the pile ultimate capacity is calculated using different codes criterions and compared with the loading test results.
Keywords: Large diameter bored pile, Settlement, Pile load distribution, Pile installation, Instrumentation, Full scale pile load test, Pile behavior.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.1 (Jan/Feb 2018)