Fragile Pixel-Wise Watermarking using Neighborhood Location Based Technique
Pages : 1871-1877
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As the exponential growth of computer users, huge data flows become a normal event around us. The aims of communication method increase, people begin to use digital media to transmit valuable data through public accessible network. Now a day’s most important thing is to secure data while sending using a public network. Potential for exactly tracing maliciously altered pixels is currently desired in image authentication. This paper proposes a efficient novel approach as fragile pixel-wise watermarking using neighborhood location technique based on two bits (Binding & position) bits. In this scheme Binding & position bits are embedded as a watermark into the first two LSBs of each pixel of the host image. On the receiver end, by comparing the extracted LSBs and recalculated Binding & position bits, one can easily recognize the altered pixels of the host image .Improve the data security and integrity using two key at the time of embedding watermark as well as the same key is used for extraction and recalculated at the receiver end to recognize the altered pixels of the host image.
Keywords: Fragile watermarking, Tamper detection, Pixel localization.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3,No.5(Dec- 2013)