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Formulation of a Carbonated Herbal Health Drink with Hemidesmus indicus root extract

Author : Ritesh Ranjan Singh

Pages : 100-104, DOI:
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The study was done to formulate a drink from an old medicinal herb and retain all the potential benefits with a new taste and flavor. For this an herbal drink was formulated and its quality ascertained. In the first part of the study, syrup was prepared from the raw roots of the herb with addition of acids and flavors. Then this syrup was diluted (in the ratio of 20:80, i.e., 20% syrup and 80% water) further followed by carbonation with the rate of 6.2 g of CO2 per liter of the diluted drink and bottled. Three samples were prepared namely, Control samples T0(Control sample, without essence), T1(Kewada essence) and T2 (Rose essence). In the next part, prepared samples were subjected to sensory evaluation and chemical analysis when fresh and after regular intervals at room temperature (27±1 °C) and refrigerated temperature (below 70C). Microbial analysis of the product was done to check the quality of the herbal drink and self-life of the product. The control sample T0 was the most acceptable due to its unique taste and flavor, followed by samples T1 and T2. The present study entailed to conclude that preparation of a drink with hemidesmus indicus roots extracts gives a new taste and flavor with high nutritional values. This drink can be stored safe for nearly a month if carbonated and storage at refrigerated temperature (below 50C).

Keywords: Hemidesmus indicus

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