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Forest inventory as a tool for sustainable management and conservation of global forest ecosystems

Author : Nida Sher, Saba Iqbal and Ruqayia

Pages : 10-16, DOI:
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Forest inventory plays a crucial role in the sustainable management and conservation of global forest ecosystems. This article provided insights into the development of forest inventory methodologies, progressing from conventional ground-based surveys to cutting-edge technologies such as remote sensing, GIS, and LiDAR. The article explores the key factors in forest inventories, including biodiversity indices, ecosystem health indicators, and habitat quality assessments, highlighting their significance in successful conservation strategies. The article showcases various case studies that demonstrate the successful implementation of forest inventory in conservation efforts. These examples highlight the integration of these methodologies with policy and management strategies, community engagement, and ongoing monitoring. It also discusses the difficulties of coordinating inventory efforts with conservation objectives, with a particular emphasis on the limitations of available data and the constraints of resources. The article concludes by discussing future directions, including the potential for emerging technologies and global initiatives to improve forest inventories for conservation purposes. This comprehensive overview highlights the crucial role of forest inventory in gaining insights, effectively managing, and preserving the world’s forests.

Keywords: Forest inventory, conservation, sustainable management, ecosystem management

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