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Experimental Performance Analysis of Triple Tube Heat Exchanger with Dimple Tubing

Author : Ganesh V. Wafelkar and L. V. Kamble

Pages : 456-459, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.85
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The experimental performance analysis of triple concentric heat exchanger are presented with reference to a double tube heat exchanger. The problem corresponding todouble tube heat exchangeris that it occupies larger tube length and space. To overcome this, a modified version of double tube heat exchanger is developed which is a triple tube heat exchanger. Triple tube heat exchanger provide larger heat transfer area per unit length of heat exchanger as compared to double tube heat exchanger. To enhance the effectiveness dimples have been made on the middle tube. The fluid used is water. Hot water will flow through the middle annular space while cold fluid will flow through the inner tube and outer annular space. The study is carried out to determine the effectiveness of triple tube heat exchanger with dimple tubing. Experimental investigation is carried out for different flow rate of cold & hot fluid. Relationship between different performance parameters such as Nusselt number, Prandtls number, friction factor and Heat exchanger effectiveness also presented.

Keywords: Triple tube, Heat exchanger, dimples tubing

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