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Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Heat Sink with Rectangular Plates on Vertical Base

Author : Harshal Patil and S. V. Dingare

Pages : 225-230, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.43
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It is essential to provide enough cooling in electronic components to avoid overheating and to increase the performance of the system. Improvement of the overall heat transfer performance, augmentations via fin patterns and various orientations are often employed. Among the fin configurations being implemented practically, rectangular fin is regarded as one of the most effective heat transfer augmentation methods for periodic vortex shedding and providing boundary layer restarting. The main objective of this experimental study is to evaluate and compare the rate of forced convection heat transfer enhancement of rectangular fin with fins at different angles (0–90°)with respect to different range of Re and heat fluxes. The variables for this study of forced convection are orientations of fins with various angles, heat fluxes and Re. The heat transfer coefficient increases with the rise of air velocity for all the configurations. The increase in the heat transfer coefficient was achieved at the angle of orientation 30° for inline and 0° for staggered arrangement. 0° fin staggered arrangement shows about 17% enhanced heat transfer coefficient as compared to 30° inline fin arrangement. For rectangular plate fin heat sinks it has been observed that there is boundary layer growth in forced convection, which decreases the heat transfer rate. To overcome this problem, some rectangular fins are attached to the plate fin. By doing so an average heat transfer coefficient of the rectangular plate fin heat sink was increased under the condition of varying fin angle and its arrangement, and the profit factor of the former is about 18% higher as compared to the other arrangements. Up till now all the researchers have analyzed the PFHS and rectangular PFHS for horizontal orientation but this project aims to find the heat transfer enhancement of PFHS for its vertical orientation fig.(1)(2) with rectangular plates at different range of heat fluxes, different fin angles, fin arrangements and Reynolds’s numbers (Re).

Keywords: Forced convection, fin angles, Re, Plate fin heat sink (PFHS), Rectangular Plate fin heat sink (RPFHS)

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