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Evaluation of Seismic Behavior for Multistoried RC Moment Resisting Frame with Open First Storey

Author : Saurabh Singh, Saleem Akhtar and Geeta Batham

Pages : 146-151
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Presence of infill walls in the frames alters the behavior of the building under lateral loads. However, it is common industry practice to ignore the stiffness of infill wall for analysis of framed building. Engineers believe that analysis without considering infill stiffness leads to a conservative design. But this may not be always true, especially for vertically irregular buildings with discontinuous infill walls. Hence, the modeling of infill walls in the seismic analysis of framed buildings is imperative. Indian Standard IS 1893: 2002 allows analysis of open first storey buildings without considering infill stiffness but with a multiplication factor 2.5 in compensation for the stiffness discontinuity. As per the code the columns and beams of the open ground storey are to be designed for 2.5 times the storey shears and moments calculated under seismic loads of bare frames (i.e., without considering the infill stiffness). However, as experienced by the engineers at design offices, the multiplication factor of 2.5 is not realistic for low rise buildings. This calls for an assessment and review of the code recommended multiplication factor for low rise open ground storey buildings. Therefore, the objective of this study is defined as to check the applicability of the multiplication factor of 2.5 and to study the effect of infill strength and stiffness in the seismic analysis of open first storey building.

Keywords: Iinfill walls, Equivalent diagonal strut, Open first storey, Soft Storey, Response spectrum analysis, Equivalent
Lateral Force, Pushover Analysis, Multiplication Factor, Seismic Analysis.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.1 (Feb- 2014)





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