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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Guidelines for Development of Ports, Harbours and Marines along Egyptian Mediterranean Coast-A Case Study

Author : Rasha El Gohary andTamer El Gohary

Pages : 1079-1091
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The environment in Egypt is still suffering from the negative environmental impacts of the different polluting activities that did not taking the environmental issue into consideration. Also, recently there is lots of developing marine projects, which are in the planning stage and there is a need to implement the Environmental Impact Assessment EIA efficiently to achieve a sustainable development strategy to protect our environment. The coastal zone of Egypt is of great economic and environmental significance this area receives high pollution loads discharged from the main urbanized, agricultural and industrial areas. Therefore, the Study will highlight the guidelines that take into account while preparing an EIA for development of ports especially in Mediterranean Coast region and the case study at the New Damietta Port Developed area. The research steps were as follows:

 Assessment of the Existing Environmental Conditions that will study:
 Impacts on the Biogeochemical environment, groundwater, Soil, coastal and marine environment (Physical/chemical impacts),
 Shoreline Stability and hydrodynamic Process,
 Impact of Air Quality and Noise,
 Impacts on the Biological and ecological components,
 Impacts on the Socioeconomic environment, Sociological, cultural components, and economic components,
 Prediction of impacts and evaluation of significant impact evaluation and assessment was done using matrix analysis at Construction phase, and After construction (during operation of the project),
 Environmental Assessment Matrix (EAM), and
 Social and Environmental Impact Evaluation.

Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS), Mediterranean Coast Region, Egyptian Ports, Damietta Port

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.3 (June-2017)

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