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Enhancement of QoS in LTE Macro network through Femto Cells with Interference Reductionct

Author : Sudhanshu Tripathi and Rajeev Paulus

Pages : 1880-1884
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Macro network single handedly cannot support the ever growing demand of the data usage among the users. These users are mostly the indoor customers. Macro network in a high density region reduces upto 50% of its actual capacity (QoS). These problems could be reduced with the introduction of femto cells. A femtocell is a small, low-power cellular base station, typically designed for use in a home or small business. It is also known as femto Access Point (AP).These femto cells when introduced into the network benefit both the operator and the consumer.It is beneficial to the operator in terms of coverage (especially indoors) and capacity. Coverage is improved by the reduction in the loss of signal. Capacity is improved by reducing the number of phones using the main network and by the off -load of traffic through the users network via the internet. In this work, we deploy femto cells in an indoor network and analyze the network performance. Split Spectrum technique is then used to manage the interference between the macro and the femto network and to decrease the Block Error Rate (BLER). This work also highlights the offloading of the existing macro network by femto cells.

Keywords: Femto cell, Macro Network, QoS, LTE.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.5 (Oct-2016)

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