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Energy Efficient and Delay Based on PSO with LST Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network

Author : Pooja Singh and Raghav Yadav

Pages : 2094-2100
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Wireless sensor networks can provide low cost solution to verity of real-world problems. Sensors are low cost tiny devices with limited storage, computational capability and power. In wireless sensor network’s sensors are randomly deployed in the sensor field which brings the coverage problem and limited energy resources. Hence energy and coverage problem are very scarce resources for such sensor systems. This research focuses on the maximization of network lifetime which has become a critical issue in sensor networks and also tackles with the problem of time delay in the transmission of the information. This research work gives the combination of PSO based algorithm (gives better performance in the term of energy efficiency and data security) and cluster based Least Spanning Tree algorithm (gives good energy efficiency and very less time delay), which are very effective alone for WSN, and also obtain life of sensor node and data transmission by LST based PSO algorithm. These techniques effectively overcome the problems of low energy and coverage of sensor range. For the observation of the analysis of the energy data of the sensors and the mathematical calculation of the data transmission and input-output energy, MATLB-2013 tool was used. After the observation of the results analysed by the MATLAB tools, it found that the combination of the LST based PSO algorithm was better performed than PSO algorithm and cluster based Least Spanning Tree algorithm alone and it was also performed better than other types of advanced energy efficient algorithm.

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, coverage optimization; discrete PSO; non-convex region, grid.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.6 (Dec-2016)

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