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EIA of Sustainable Evacuating Houses by using Waste Materials from Surrounding Environment

Author : Tamer Elgohary and Manal Yehia

Pages : 2231-2238
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In our modern world many armed conflicts and wars in some places cause mass departure of population of these places due to the bombing and missiles blasting which turns their property into ruins , Also Natural disasters such as earthquake, tornados and hurricanes cause resident people to lose their homes to be homeless and demoralized without any hope in the present or in the recent future. An urgent shelter were needed for those people to live their life the possible way as they could by suggesting a sustainable cheap systems of evacuating homes. This suggested system was needed to get rid of destroyed city wreckage in order to clean the area and to insure the mitigation of its negative impact on the surrounding environment. This was done by using the suggested unique structural architectural system of homes by sing steel water pipes from the infra structures of the city ruins as structure columns and by using a special of wreckage concrete mix which will be used in creating connecting bearing wall. This type of system will insure the disaster wreckage cleansing to be valid for new establishment also the required construction materials is available and nearby with no need to import usual one. The system was designed to be safe and sustainable for the residents with suitable architectural functions such as visual and thermal with enough ventilation. Also the roof top was equipped with vents to provide natural ventilation and to ensure the air quality within the acceptable limits. EIA for this type of sustainable houses was studied to detect its negative impact in order to avoid it and to construct suitable environmental monitoring system dealing with the surrounding environment elements. At the end of this study a group of conclusions and recommendations were deduced in order to improve the required system and also to ensure its structural and architectural competency.

Keywords: EIA, Sustainable houses, Evacuating Houses, shelters, green design, waste material, concrete-wreckage mix

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.6 (Dec-2016)

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