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Effect of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on Tensile Strength of Al 3003 and Al 5052

Author : Deepak Gupta and Gurpreet Singh

Pages : 1019-1021
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Friction stir welding is a solid state joining process that uses a third body tool to join two surfaces. Heat is generated b/w the tool & material which leads to a very soft region near the tool. It then mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal at the place of the joint, then the softened metal can be joined using mechanical pressure (which is applied by the tool), much like joining clay, or dough. It is mostly used on aluminum alloys, and extruded aluminum alloys, In this study, the effect of welding parameters on Tensile Strength of Al alloys weld were investigated. Three levels of travelling speed, Rotational speed, & Tilting angle were taken to weld specimen of aluminum alloys (AL 3003 & Al 5052. This paper investigates the influence of friction stir welding based on Taguchi method so as to obtain optimum value for tensile strength. It was found that the Tensile Strength response displaying a decreasing trend with an increase in the value of Rotational speed & Tilting angle. But it shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the value of travelling speed. The maximum value of Tensile strength response is at the first level of Rotational speed and Tilting angle & third level of Travelling speed parameters.

Keywords: Taguchi Design, Taguchi, Friction stir welding, traveling speed, Tensile Strength.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.3 (June-2017)

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