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Effect of Compressor Outlet Pressure on Liquefaction and Refrigeration Capacity

Author : Nishigandha Patel, Supriya Gambhire, Chetan Waykole and Mangesh Saraf

Pages : 83-84;
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The main components of a helium liquefier which determines the performance of the HRL for a given compressor flow rate are Turbine, Heat exchanger and JT valve. Turbine and JT valve produces cooling effect of helium gas by isentropic and isenthalpic expansion process respectively. Different components can be made to have different thermodynamic cycle configuration. For each configuration main components can have different operating process parameters leading to different performance of HRL. This project involves the analysis and optimization of these process parameters for a given configuration. This analysis and optimization work will also involve different practical factors and in efficiencies of main components.

Keywords: Liquefaction, Helium, process parameters, Optimization, Turbine, heat exchanger


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