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Door based Power Generation System and Automatic Opening of Door

Author : Hrishikesh Hinge and P. E. Chaudhari

Pages : 72-77;
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As the world is advance in various fields like research and development; conservation of energy is very important aspect. Due to shortage of electricity in the rural areas as well as developing cities saving of energy is an important factor so we have to save the energy whenever as possible. To conserve energy we have taken the step and introduce a new concept ‘ELECTRICITY GENERATION WITH THE HELP OF DOOR’. In this concept conversion of mechanical energy from opening a door into electrical energy for backup power supply is studied. The green energy solution makes use of an everyday occurrence to protect against intermitted power loss. The energy you expend by pushing a revolving door you can convert into electrical energy that is usable. For example at Hospitals, Banks, Post offices, Hotels or the use of door is frequent etc. Our aim is to convert small amounts of human energy into electricity by use of generator. The Revolution Door and Electrical component are of two prototype devices with mechanical/electrical systems that harnesses human motion and redistribute it as electricity. This source of power can be used at the offices, colleges or Hotels and most likely by the Hospitals door operating system. Also by accumulating this low intensity electricity in Batteries, it can be supplied to the Big villages or in towns where there is scarcity of electric supply.

Keywords: Energy conservation, Generator, Automatic Door Opening.


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