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Different Controllers of UPQC for Power Quality Evolution

Author : P.Ramya and J.Bhavani

Pages : 1733-1738
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This paper presents the Power system consists of electrical, electronical and power electronic equipment used in industries. .Hence they behave as a nonlinear load and inject harmonics in distribution system. one of the solution is the activepower filter. The combination of series and shunt activepowerfilter is UPQC .It not only eliminates harmonics ,and also alleviates any type of voltage and current fluctuations and compensates reactive power in distribution system. In these paper, the compensation code and different control plan (PI,FUZZY, ANN) are proposed and compared by using SIMULATION/MATLAB .The thyristor rectifier feeding an RL load acts as a source of harmonics. The performance is observed under utility disturbances such as sag , swell, flicker and spikes. Different control strategies are compared and the simulation results are listed.

Keywords: Power quality, harmonics, voltagesag,voltageswell, pi controller,fuzzy,neural networks

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.3,No.5(Dec- 2013)




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