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Development of Water Generation System from Air

Author : Sahil Doshi, Shubham Chaudhari, Saheel Aitwade, Ratan Singh, and C. P. Waykole

Pages : 202-203;
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The lack of clean drinking water is one of the key issues facing the world today. The water in many countries is of poor quality creating a big demand for bottled water where the economic means are available. For underdeveloped countries this has led to the death of millions while it in the industrialized world has meant a big increase in consumption of bottled water which has had a big negative effect on the environment. There have been some efforts in trying to develop an applicable technology as a solution to the water problem. One line of products in particular has been influential for this project. These products are known as atmospheric water generators and are trying to utilize the natural occurrence of water vapor in air in order to produce clean drinking water.

Keywords: Relative Humidity, Specific Humidity, Dry Bulb Temperature, Dew Point Temperature


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