Design of Capillary Pump
Pages : 2029-2032
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In this world of faster pace there is the current need to raise research in Go green technologies so there is need to develop self-sustainable systems to fulfill the work as a result there is current need to generate green energy if possible to develop a system which require no external energy source for it’s functioning and operation so this Capillary pump is a device which works without electricity when engineered properly. This is the current need for the world it’s not only a go green technology it’s also automated in another way so we are going for a project on this self-energized and automated system to pump water in fields and into the overhead tanks for domestic purpose it’s principle is just capillary action combined with some engineering to make it more effective.
Keywords: Self-sustainable systems etc.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)