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Design of Automated Robot for Line Marking on a Sports Field

Author : Pranjul Singh, Adwait Mathkari, Kadwin Pillai, Viraj Lagad and Ashish Utage

Pages : 108-110
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Unlike advanced countries which have different sports fields for different sports activities in schools, colleges, etc., countries like India do not have the resources to have different sports fields for different types of sports. The tedious activity of marking a field with the help of limestone material is done manually. Thus an automated robot would reduce human efforts and increase the accuracy and efficiency of the whole process. In this work, the machine described is an Automated Robot for Line Marking (ARFLM), a machine that is capable of marking a sports field with the help of limestone material completely automatically. This would eliminate the tedious and time consuming conventional method of line marking manually thus reducing human efforts and increasing the quality of the marking of the sports field. The machine is designed to travel along the path of the field (as provided by a computer program). Further, a mechanism for the smooth and continuous release of the limestone marking material is described.

Keywords: Automated Robot, Line Marking, Sports field, Limestone Material, Arduino.

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