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Design and Fabrication of Automatic Brake in Vehicle

Author : Vaibhav S. Devadkar, Vinayak V. Deshpande, Omkar M. Dhamale, Bhaskar V. Erande and Rohit R. Patil

Pages : 646-650, DOI:
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In this project work the design and construction of a model of automatic braking system for vehicles in hill station is to be developed. The mechanism has been developed to stop the vehicle from rolling back word when the vehicle is moving in the hill roads. This construction made of two phases in a first deigns of ratchet and pawl mechanism, frame, shaft, etc. is done and in second sensor selection and interference is done. Ratchet and pawl mechanism has been fabricated and assembly with sensor interface is tested. The proposed mechanism is to reverse break using ratchet gear. By reverse locking the differential is disengaged from the axle. Thus the power is directly transmitted to the axle and hence to the wheels. This will considerably reduce the power loss in some occasions when unwanted loss is happening due to the transmission if power from the shaft to the ratchet gear and then to the axle and hence to the wheels. So in mechanism the unwanted power loss in the due course of transmission through the gear wheel is reduced.

Keywords: Ratchet, Pawl, IR sensor, Solenoid valve, Shaft, Automation, Braking System

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.3 (May/June 2018)

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