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Design and Development of Agriculture Sprayer Vehicle

Author : Siddharth Kshirsagar, Vaibhav Dadmal, Prashant Umak, Govind Munde and P. R. Mahale

Pages : 405-408;
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The population of the world is increasing rapidly. In order to fulfill their diet needs the production of food must be increased, but this must come at a cost affordable to everyone. Mechanization of agriculture enables conservation of inputs by precision in ensuring better distribution, reducing quantity required for better response or prevention of losses or waste of inputs applied. Mechanization reduces unit costs of production through higher productivity levels and the input conservation. The all agriculture equipment’s often are hardly modernized due to its low productivity. In India farming is done by traditional ways, besides that there has been large development of industrial and service sector as compared to that of agriculture sector. The spraying of pesticides and insecticides is traditionally done by farm worker carrying backpack type sprayer which requires more human effort. Giving attention to these important problems an attempt is made to develop an equipment which will be beneficial to the farmer for the spraying operations. This equipment is easy to use and operate. It makes use reciprocating pump that creates the required pressure for the spraying action. This multifunction device will come in handy that can be put to use in different spraying stages of farming as per process requirement.

Keywords: Mechanization, input conservation, reciprocating pump


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