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Design and Construction an Optical System of Data Transfer in Air using Laser Technology

Author : Mohammed Fawzi Mohammed Kadim AL-Temimi

Pages : 939-945
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In this research, two computers are used to transfer data in free space optical communication system using transmitter and receiver circuits and the distance separation between these computers is 50 m. The transmitter part of the optical communication system contains a drive circuit and semiconductor laser as a light source, while a receiver part of the optical communication system contains a phototransistor and an amplified circuit. In this research, we have designed and constructed an optical system of information transfer between two computers in practice based on the theoretical design circuits A green laser with wavelength of 532 nm and measured output power 26 mW is used. The COM port (RS-232) is used to send and receive data with “advanced serial port” program version 5.5 with a bit rate of 9600Kbps. The results of the optical communication system are achieved as sent a sequence of binary digit 0/1 from one computer to another computer using the measured transmitted power of the laser at a specific distance between computers.

Keywords: Transfer Data, free-space communication, Wireless Optical Communication, Optical , Transceiver, laser in optical communication.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.2 (April- 2014)



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