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Design and Comparative analysis of Adsorption Refrigeration System for Refrigerants R-134a and R-410a

Author : Pratik P. Kulkarni, V. N. Kapatkar and Ameya C. Lohokare

Pages : 95-98, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.18
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Adsorption refrigeration is becoming popular due to it’s environmentally friendly nature and use of low GWP and ODP value refrigerants. This system gives advantage of use of low temperature source such as waste heat. In present study, for better heat and mass transfer, refrigerants R 134a and R 410a are used in the system and their performance is compared. R 134a is commonly used refrigerant in automobile system. Adsorption performance is compared for temperatures at 30 , 35 , 40 , 45 and 50 . COP and SCP performance for both refrigerants is compared. Activated carbon granules (ACG)/R 134a gives highest adsorption quantity of 1.4 Kg/kg at temperature of 30 at 850 kpa pressure. ACG/R 410a gives highest adsorption capacity of 1.19 Kg/kg at temperature of 30 . Investigation showed that ACG/ R 134a has promising future in the adsorption refrigeration technology due to its highest adsorption capacity.

Keywords: Adsorber Bed, Azeotropic mixture, Cycle time, Equilibrium model, Isotherms, Maxsorb III.


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