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Design and Analysis of Intersections for Improved Traffic Flow at Bhopal-Case Studies of Jyoti Talkies Square and Vallabh Bhawan Roundabout

Author : Veethika Gomasta, Mohit Malviya, Abhishek Singh and Saleem Akhtar

Pages : 3521-3524
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Traffic Flow is a major problem in the urban cities. Due to rapid increase in population along with urbanization, industrialization and improving living conditions, the vehicular population is pacing up. A busy road stretch in a city is dotted with traffic signals. These traffic signals regulate the traffic flow at intersections and are also determinant factors for journey and travel time. If coupled with environment, these factors also contribute to vehicular and noise pollution. However, jam conditions can be solved by regulation of signal timing and synchronisation. In this paper, an attempt has been made to suggest measures for improving and easing traffic flow at two of the intersections of Bhopal. The signal timings at “Jyoti talkies square” have been redesigned for afternoon peak flow. Improvement by widening of road is recommended. At the other intersection called “Vallabh Bhawan roundabout”, capacity of rotary is calculated whether it is within its permissible limits or not. Introduction of Signalized rotary is suggested.

Keywords: Cycle time, Webster method, Traffic Volume, PCU, Intersection, Roundabout.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.6 (Dec-2015)


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