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Design and Analysis of Cover Handle Bar Top (Injection moulding process)

Author : Ingole Akshay Rambhau, Joglekar Saurabh Ashwinkumar, Jori Prasad Rajendra, Kulkarni Nikhil Narayan and B.D.Patil

Pages : 291-295;
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This is focused on the design and analysis of cover handle bar top with the help of injection moulding. Injection moulding process is a vast and advantageous process in the field of science and technology. There are basically three steps in the injection moulding cycle. First step is design of sprue which is tapered to increase the rate of flow. Second step is design of runner whose efficiency is pre- determined and fixed. The final step is selection of the gate which pours the flow material finally into the cavity. Selection of gate is quite a difficult task for the designer. Mould flow analysis software is used to perform the analysis of filling, wrap and best gate location. This analysis will discuss the flow of molten plastic inside the injection mould. The analysis begins with the origin of the flow channels such as barrel, nozzle, sprue, runner and gate until the cavity is completely filled. It helps to determine the part defects that might occurred during plastic injection molding process such as short shot, unequal filling, over filling, welding lines and others. From that, the optimum parameters setting are selected in order to get a quality injection molded component. This paper discuss about design and analysis of gating system..

Keywords: Injection moulding, Mould flow analysis, sprue, gate, runner, short shot, welding line


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