Cycle Time Reduction of PCF Gearbox using Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Approach
Pages : 60-67
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In this article, we would like to review an incredibly effective, yet underutilized approach: cycle time reduction. We will also describe a demonstrated cycle time reduction methodology and those factors we believe key to the achieving breakthrough results. With the help of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach cycle time reduction of the PCF gear assembly will be reduced using 5S methodology and other pillars the assembly would be refined in appropriate manner. 5S, Kobestsu Kaizen (KK), JishuHozen (KK), Safety Healthy and Environment (SHE) and Education and Training (E&T) Pillars will be implemented in procedure systematic manner to reduce the cycle time reduction of PCF gear assembly and improve upon the process of the assembly procedure.
Keywords: Cycle Time Reduction, Productivity, Maintenance, Total Productive Maintenance.
Article published in International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.2 (June-2015)