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Crime Data Analysis and Prediction using Machine Learning

Author : Mansi .S. Bagale and Dr (Mrs.) S .K, Wagh

Pages : 1053-1057
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An act done by any person which is against the laws of the particular country or region is called crime. A person who does this is called a criminal. Almost without exception, people in India think that the crimes are increasing at all time high levels. Crime may be considered as one of the following types for e.g. theft of motor vehicle, robbery of money, murder, rape, assault, , false imprisonment, kidnapping, Robbery of business property, Card fraud, Homicide, Domestic burglary, Robbery on public transportation, Rape, Firearm injuries, Robbery in subway etc. In India the police maintain a criminal record which is accessible to the masses. The basic idea of what things are called “crimes” is that they are thought to be things that might cause a problem for another person. Data mining is a process that extracts useful information from huge amount of crime related data stored in databases. The crime data is extracted from the official portal of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) of India. Before training of the model data pre-processing will be done following this feature selection and scaling will be done so that accuracy obtain will be high. The various classification and other algorithms will be tested for crime prediction and one with better accuracy will be used for training. Visualization of dataset is done in terms of graphical representation of many cases for example at which area criminal activities are high. The main purpose of this project is to give a jest idea of how machine learning can be used by the law enforcement agencies to predict, solve crimes and identify patterns of crime  at a much faster rate in order to reduce the crime rate.

Keywords: Classification, crime, patterns, visualization etc

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