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Comparison between Cancer risk resulting from Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents using near field air dispersion model

Author : O.S.Ahmed and A.I.M. Aly

Pages : 3201-3205
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Nuclear accidents are normally accompanied by radioactive releases, which can follow different radiation exposure pathways: air and water dispersion pathway. In this work the cancer risk resulting from radionuclides released to the atmosphere was estimated and compared for both Fukushima and Chernobyl accidents. A screening method using near field air dispersion pathway was used .The simulation was carried out using 131I,134Cs, 137 Cs and 85 Kr. The analysis of the results showed that the cancer risk resulting from 131I , 137 Cs ,134Cs and 85 Kr at Chernobyl accident is higher than at Fukushima accident for different stability classes and downwind distances . Also at the same downwind distance the cancer risk for 131I is higher than for 137 Cs , 134 Cs and 85 Kr . Therefore, it is necessary to consider atmospheric stability class characteristics in developing emergency preparedness and response strategies.

Keywords: Chernobyl accident; fukushima accident; atmospheric Dispersion model ; risk Coefficient, exposure factor .

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.5 (Oct-2014)



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