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Comparison and Seismic analysis of a seven-storeyed RC Building resting on plain and sloping ground

Author : Peddi Shiva Tejaswi, Pranay kumar Jha, Shibajee Sutar

Pages : 78-83
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An earthquake is a phenomenon of ground motion caused by the sudden breaking and movement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. If an earthquake occurs in a populated area, it may cause many deaths and injuries and extensive property damage. Although there are no guarantees of safety during an earthquake, it is difficult identifying the potential hazards ahead of time and advance planning to save lives and significantly reduce injuries and property damage. Hence it is mandatory to do seismic analysis to the structure against collapse. In this paper an attempt is made to understand the performance of R.C building frame structure in plain and sloping ground when subjected to gravity and earthquake load. To understand this four three dimensional seven-storied (G+6) reinforced concrete building are consider in which the first frame is positioned at zero degree with respect to the horizontal ground and remaining three frames are placed at 10, 20 and 30 degrees respectively. All the four frames are modelled and analyzed using SAP2000 software. The Equivalent Static Method as per IS:1893-2002 is used to analyze all the modelled manually. The performance of the structure is assessed by comparing the Shear Force, Bending Moment and deflection in different frames. Also, the base shear of different frames obtained manually is compared with the SAP 2000 results.

Keywords: Earthquake, Seismic analysis, Equivalent static method, SAP 2000.

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