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CodeFetch-A Plugin for Text Editor

Author : Taranpreet Singh and Mamta Mittal

Pages : 2079-2082
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The Internet is complex, large and ever evolving. Almost 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last few years. In this vast ocean of data, how does one get the relevant piece of information? This is where comes the “CodeFetch”. In this paper, we present a plugin extension for any text editor, in this case, Atom, which is an open sourced text editor for languages such as C, C++, Python, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, which is made by GitHub. The plugin named “CodeFetch”, basically fetches regular algorithms and chunks of code used normally from the internet through the technique of web scraping. The user inputs a query in plain English. The plugin searches the web, scrapes the data from the most reliable source possible and returns possible outcomes of the selected query in user’s desired language. The user can now choose the best possible option as per his requirement. What makes this unique is it also includes an Alexa Skill, which is an artificial intelligence based voice user interface, which fetches code upon being asked and pastes it directly to the text editor.

Keywords: Atom – A Text Editor, JavaScript, Python, and Amazon Alexa

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)

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