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Chemical Resistance of Concrete with Ceramic Waste Aggregate

Author : Dhavamani Doss S and D. Gobinath

Pages : 1024-1028
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Nowadays there is a huge demand in the natural resources used for making the conventional concrete so to overcome this problem there is a search for use of an alternate material for making concrete. After much investigation we recommend the electrical insulator ceramic waste as an alternate for conventional crushing stone and bottom ash as a partial replacement for river sand. The ceramic waste aggregate concrete shows good resistance to the chemical attacks such as sulphate attack and chloride attack by preventing permeation of these chemicals. The compressive strength of the ceramic waste aggregate concrete is better and there is no considerable change in compressive strength before and after chemical attack. This is due to the material properties of ceramic waste. Ceramic waste aggregate is hard and durable material than the conventional coarse aggregate. It has good thermal resistance and resistance to bio-degradation compare to conventional coarse aggregate. The durability properties of ceramic waste aggregate concrete are also good.

Key words: Durability, sulphate attack, Chloride Penetration, compressive strength.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.3,No.3(Aug- 2013)



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