International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of industrial. engineering.The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for engineers and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of industrial engineering. INPRESSCO is dedicated to present state of-the-art, high quality, research developments in all areas of industrial engineering research, including applications in industry and services, to a broad audience of academics and professionals. Target areas include manufacturing, operations management, product and process design, information systems, business and strategy, and quality management amongst others.
Important fields of industry:
Food Technology: Food chemistry& nutrition ,Food microbiology, Food engineering ,Principles of food processing, Food Packaging technology, Food quality systems & Management, Techniques in food analysis, Technology of fruits and vegetables processing, Technology of cereals and oilseeds, Bakery and Confectionary technology ,Technology of plantation spices ,Technology of milk and milk products, Snack foods Technology ,Beverages Technology ,Food Biotechnology, Food Additives and Ingredients ,Enzymes in food processing ,Food physics ,Food Toxicology ,Principles of Human Nutrition ,Food Preservation, Industrial Fermentation, Food Safety and Hygiene
Leather Technology: Pretanning operation, tanning operations, posttanning and finishing operation, footwear technology. Leather Apparel and Goads technology, tilization of animal byproducts and byproducts of meat industry. Fertilizers. Gelatin and glue manufacture from collagen of tannery byproducts. Collagen stability and collagen cross links. New application for animal hides and skins, eco-friendly processes.
Textile Technology: Fibre science and technology, yarn engineering, fabric engineering chemical processing. Fibers Properties, Waste and Pollution Control in Textile Industry
Pulp and paper: Wood Chemistry, Pulp Raw Materials, Pulping and Bleaching, Bio-pulping Processes, Colloidal Chemistry and Paper Making, Coating and Printing Technology, Deinking and Paper recycling Technology, Forest and Pulp mill Management, Blending Technologies in Paper Manufacture, Quality control in pulp and paper industry
Materials Science and Engineering :Mineral Binder, Building Materials, Metallurgy, Composite Materials Corrosion, Plastic and rubber technology, polymer
Miscellaneous Field: Cement, glass and ceramics industries and white ware, Oil and soap, Detergents industries, Dyes and pigments, Environmental pollution and control in field of industry, Petrochemical and petroleum refining
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