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Carpooling Application in Android

Author : Avila Antao, Venisha Correia and Savio Gonsalves

Pages : 955-958
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Carpooling is one of the latest technologies discovered which has made travelling convenient and efficient to the common man. It also known as car-sharing in which one can travel to their destination while sharing the vehicle and the expenses incurred. Hence fuel costs, tolls and the stress of driving will be reduced when more people travel together in one vehicle. Carpooling is also an environment friendly app and we can save our mother nature by using this app. It also helps in reducing traffic congestion, and other poisonous gases in the air. We can save a lot of space in the Parking lot. During high fuel prices and high pollution periods, making use of the car pooling system is an intelligent decision. In our application, we will make an Android based application that will allow passengers to collaborate with other like-minded people and plan out their journey using the easy UI of the app after signing in to it. People will be able to share expenses and not worry about reaching late while making new connections

Keywords: Carpooling; Android; Ratings

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.2 (April-2015)


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